My CORE BELIEFS as future School adminstrator in USA
Effective school administrators use technology to manage and promote students learning
The 21st-century challenges cannot be solved without science and technology. Any sector untouched by the power of modern technology is considered as undeveloped area. It is very hard to separate learning and technology as two separate entities. One help foster other and both exist as avant- garde approach for innovation and discovery. In this light, without use of technology administrators have a responsibility to expose our young learners to modern technology to maintain our position as world leaders. All effective administrators use technology to teach the students we have, not the students we used to have. We have the students who do not only demand concrete skills but further need strategies embedded with technology that can bring change in classroom practice. Student s differs in terms of content, motivation and efficiency. What interests them is motivation. These digital kids are easily motivated in a new digital landscape of technology. So, effective administrators use video, computers, internet, and telecommunication in their curriculum and communication. Also, they can apply technology management tools such as data base, spreadsheet to analyze staffs, students’ performance in order to make necessary decisions. Various researches have proved that present generation kids have neurologically different hyperlinked mind that keeps on changing like technology itself. Effective school administrators, thus, learns and uses technology to manage and stimulate students learning because technology is the language modern days students, who are visual learners, feel comfortable in speaking and learning.
Effective school administrators evaluate and appreciate diversity
Schools are the few places where young people of diverse background meet for the greater cause of education in USA. Diversity in our classroom today offers challenging opportunities that every effective administrator has to appreciate to meet the instructional need of diverse student population and help students understand different cultural ethics and identity in spite of their differences in learning process. By bringing them together, schools nurture their ability. Therefore schools have to take responsibility foster education from multi cultural perspective through which each child develops a sense of respect and tolerance for human differences. In this light, effective school administrations, therefore, understand education in the evolution of cultural diversity. Inclusion for special needs, talented and gifted, and English learners are already in place in our schools. Moreover, administrators are evaluated in terms of their ability to adapt and appreciate new relationship of transformation between ethnicity, learning ability, class, and gender. Interestingly, the voices of culturally sensitive curricula to understand and incorporate multi cultural perspective to encourage every students learning have received considerable attention in recent years from educational institutions across the country. At this point of time, in- depth knowledge, appreciation of diverse students’ population, effective work ethics in a multi-lingual, multi-cultural and economically diverse setting, and veneration for alternative perspective help students succeed. Similarly, effective administrations prepare teachers for multi cultural classrooms setting by means of various profession trainings on diversity. Equity among programs and learning opportunities for all are some examples of appreciating diversity in broader aspect. The appreciation and evaluation of diversity therefore is one of the professional responsibilities of effective administrations at this point of time that society is highly evolving to demographic diversity.
Effective Administrations Use Assessment Data to Inform Practice
Effective Administrations Use Assessment Data to Inform Practice
The use of assessment data plays vital role in school improvement and growth. These datas are used between principal, teachers and educational partners for the exploration of the appropriate intervention strategy to raise student’s achievements. Similarly, this self evaluation approach gives an opportunity to compare and contrast school’s academic performance with other schools including its teaching staffs. The effective administrators begin their voyage at school analyzing existing assessment data as the first task because achievements matter most and the result are taken as the one of the domains to evaluate staffs’ performance evaluation. These datas help out the classroom teacher to drive his instruction effectively by best utilizing these formal assessments to plan and diagnosis students’ achievement gap helping students master the required objective by re-teaching necessary skills. The school district may use the same assessment data one of the strong measuring rods to allocate its budget. More importantly, these assessment data becomes valuable tools in recognizing and motivating schools and students both locally and nationally. Generally speaking, school improvement is an amalgamation of various core elements such as administrations teachers, students, curriculum, lessons, students eagerness, school system, parents, and community to name but a few. Among this complex network of school improvement ingredients, the valid and reliable assessment data gives a bird’s eye view to inform practice. The effective administrations provide various opportunities for necessary training to their teaching staffs to make them aware about this process and probable contradictions and interpretation to be emerged out in this data analysis process. On a whole, effective administrations use this data knowledge to inform, practice and ultimately develop action plan to foster teaching and learning process at school.
Effective Administrations Consult Research to Guide Their Practice
Effective Administrations Consult Research to Guide Their Practice
Administrators make many decisions and execute their planning every day. It is believed that the effective administrators live in three time dimensions of decision: the present (what is being accomplished), past (what was accomplished) and future (the goal to be accomplished) of the school. Such administrators incorporate past research based finding and do not conclude based on mere hypothesis, intuition, and hearsay to reach the set destination in future. Any effort or resource invested on a school without proper research turn to be futile one. By contrast, the highly researched based planning and project that develops inquiry based teaching practices result in expected outcome in a long run. Research that generally originates with a question or problem requires a clear articulation of a goal and specific plan of procedure to reach the specific conclusion. The collection and interpretation of necessary data in attempting to resolve the problem to a question that administrators desperately need to be answered demands patience, skills and experience. Therefore, effective administrators develop his/her school’s vision, mission, along with day to day operation consulting research for positive results. These professionals show enough adept at handling challenges to identify opportunities to improve the school’s performance. Such administrators run and participate in research based professional development in needy area because the outcome fulfills the high expectation of our kids and makes great contribution on past dimension of future leaders guiding their practice.
The contemporary education system demands various innovative strategies and models to be implemented in order to run any institution smoothly according to its vision and mission. The knowledge of these academic strategies highly contribute administrators imparts value education for life. To lead educational institution is a complex yet attainable adventure where academic leaders have to invent the surest path to help foster students knowledge. Efficient academic leaders always show their mastery in creating and sticking to the clear vision, mission, and strategy to lead the institution. In the same vein, such administrators make very wise decision prior to selecting workable teaching strategies for their school. Pragmatic aspect of implementation, past result, relevancy, and its positive effect on themselves, teachers, parents and other community members are some major key elements that the responsible administrators take in consideration to decide varied strategies. Sometimes, these strategies and modality are prepared and recommended by CEO office for school administrators particularly in public school system. In such a situation, administrators make sure that they have necessary knowledge about the system’s guidelines on necessary project and their effective implementation. For example, School Based Management, Fair Student Funding, Charter School based on open sector, the concept that based on proposition that we cannot change and get expected degree of improvement in education by relying only on fixing our existing schools, are some proactive approach to implementing some new strategy introduced by Baltimore Public School System. When the authority of power on staffing, budget, curriculum, and governance transformed to the local school, the central system holds local administrators accountable for authentic learning Effective administrators, thus, have to make themselves familiar and authentic with current varied teaching strategies, methodologies and models to lead educational institutions to honor academic excellence.
The contemporary education system demands various innovative strategies and models to be implemented in order to run any institution smoothly according to its vision and mission. The knowledge of these academic strategies highly contribute administrators imparts value education for life. To lead educational institution is a complex yet attainable adventure where academic leaders have to invent the surest path to help foster students knowledge. Efficient academic leaders always show their mastery in creating and sticking to the clear vision, mission, and strategy to lead the institution. In the same vein, such administrators make very wise decision prior to selecting workable teaching strategies for their school. Pragmatic aspect of implementation, past result, relevancy, and its positive effect on themselves, teachers, parents and other community members are some major key elements that the responsible administrators take in consideration to decide varied strategies. Sometimes, these strategies and modality are prepared and recommended by CEO office for school administrators particularly in public school system. In such a situation, administrators make sure that they have necessary knowledge about the system’s guidelines on necessary project and their effective implementation. For example, School Based Management, Fair Student Funding, Charter School based on open sector, the concept that based on proposition that we cannot change and get expected degree of improvement in education by relying only on fixing our existing schools, are some proactive approach to implementing some new strategy introduced by Baltimore Public School System. When the authority of power on staffing, budget, curriculum, and governance transformed to the local school, the central system holds local administrators accountable for authentic learning Effective administrators, thus, have to make themselves familiar and authentic with current varied teaching strategies, methodologies and models to lead educational institutions to honor academic excellence.
Effective Administrators Articulate Policy and Have Broad Knowledge of Systems Which Impact Education
No one argues upon the point that every effective administrator has to expresses oneself readily, clearly, and effectively on his policy having broad knowledge of system that directly impact education. The system knowledge helps administrators to work on their agendas smoothly from day one. The broad and current knowledge about the systems are most important aspect prior to shouldering administrative responsibilities to reach the levels set by the system. The administrators are expected to demonstrate broad knowledge of system, skills in students learning. The administrators who are receptive to school policy and system knowledge better understand the need for its application in best interests of the students. The broad knowledge of system incorporated various domains from staffs selection, supervision, evaluation, management functions for the school to policy formation and legal requirements (federal, state, and municipal laws, regulations, requirement of due process) within the scope of their responsibility. Furthermore, transportation, food services, pupil personnel services, maintenance, and facilities management are also other areas that effective administrators have to possess their high level of competence and performance. In a nutshell, effective administrators have broad knowledge of current educational research, ongoing educational exemplary practices l, the articulation of system’s vision, goals, school law, needs, and accomplishments along with the need of professional development because these elements are directly related in student’s learning process.