Sunday, January 23, 2011

How president Obama's new health care will affect Nepalese Americans

Blood Libel and S. Palin

People's intemperate and incediary comments to each other over Tucsons shooting do not uplift real American spirit who love and live democracy. No body, no radio show, no type of media can dismiss and discount the unity among Americans. Obviously, there are few mystery attached with this incident and the aftermath really heated the American politics. The most asked question remained: Does Sarah Palin, presidential hopeful, inflamed opinion against congresswoman Giffords who is in critical condition after gun shot. Besides people's conjucture, her motif might not be to instigate the horrendous tragedy with all those cross signs on her political map in last congressional election. Everything looks just coincidence. Palin's compared media attack to a ' blood libel'. Honestly speaking, it would be wonderful if her advisers would have suggested her any other term to repudiate media if it was necessary. Of course, the phrase she used has come from notorious passage in the Bible. She really might not have known how hard it would hit and hurt Jews. Yes, Politics and policies are legerdemain to win people's faith. However, every politician must have to realize that the very unpleasant and violent rhetoric and trick used in politics generate unnecessary animous between themselves. Unfortunetly, the lunatic sometimes might quickly plunge into the same rhetoric and penetrate heinous crime. Anyway, the cold reality is that the individual damaged by this shooting is Palin. She might have rubbed out her date of presidential election campaign announcement if she had any. Lucky President Obama. His popular ratings has drastically increased after his great speech in Tucsan that assuaged all Americans. It might be too early to forcast more about Obama's political future without observing his political campaign. His union speech scheduled for next week definitely will have some inkings. My thoughts and preyers are with Congresswoman Giffords, her family staffs as well as Tucsonans who were victim of the unspekeable tragedy. The great news now is U. S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords who was shot in the head Jan. 8, is transfered to Houston Texas on Friday via air ambulance, is in the process of recovery. Currently, the great medical team has been figuring out the most safe and secured way to take out the fluid builtup in her brain.