लाश कहिले टुसाउछन?
एचबी भण्डारी प्रभात बाल्टिमोर, अमेरिका
यता सपनाका मन कन्दरमा लटरम्म गुरास फुल्दैनन् आजकाल
बिपनाको बन्दरगाहमा कैद यि ऋतुहरुबिच
जीवनका कित्ताबाट मेटिदै गरेका रेखाहरु
ढुङे त्रिकोण भित्र दोधारे भटमासभई
बिभत्तश खले गर्हाको भुगाने टारहरुमा खन्नडहर खडेरी बाचिरहेछौ?
एग्जिट छोडिएर पशचिमी दाहिने गतिशिल आकाशमा
हामी त्रिशन्कुझै झुन्डीरेहेछौ।
उता डुल्ने बतासे डाँडामा हाम्रा प्रतिछाया मेटिदैछन आजकाल
घिर्सिएका टारी बारी र दु:खका दुबोमा
डन्डिबियोका निशानहरु ठमेलतिर बिर्य नचाहिने बेश्यालयले पुरिएहोलान्? ,
डन्डिबियोखेल्ने तिनै साथीका खरानी समाचार
फेशबूकको इन्बोक्समा कैद यि वार्षिकीहरु !
बिडम्बनाको मृत्यु बासमा सिन्धुर र मखमली रुवाउदै
आसुँ नदी पार अभागी अस्तुहरु
मल्खातो भित्र भुलिएका गुन्द्रुक्झै
अनकन्टार मेरा बाँकी साथीहरु
सरदे चिसोमा मार्शिधान र जमरासगै
मेरा केमाकोडरमा कैद आमाका असिर्बादलेले कहिलै बिउझाउदैनन।
आमा ! घर छेवैको फदेलोको काग सँग ति छोराका समाचार नसोध्नुल,
मेरो ब्लक्बेरीमा अर्कै समाचार आएर
म डेलवेर को पूल नजिकै बाट न्यू योर्क शहर पसदै छु,
तिनै छोराका थोक र खुद्रा लाशझै
त्यो समाचार रत्न पार्क र सडक पार्कमा बिकेहोला है !
दुइबर्से नातिको कोर्कोको पर्तिछायामा
हजुकै जस्तो मन्मा झै प्रशनै प्रशन छ
प्रसान्त महाससागरमाथी उड्नेलाई
ति पुरिएका लाश कहिले टुसाउछन!
ति भुलिएका लाश कहिले टुसाउछन!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Skimming through my Jan 08 diary
Jan ,08
Enoch Pratt central Library
200 Cathedral Street , Baltimore, USA.
Nepal's all round development remanded dream for a long time lacking proper combination between dreamers and doers. Our two neighbours are emerging as super power and are ready to send their rocket on Moon anytime. Nepali are glad on neighbours' progress and wish Indian Chandra Yan reach moon. However,It is very unfortunate that India continue to resort to different type of domination as well as intimidation and manipulation. And, indeed, it is equally abominable that India took blatant advantage of our gullible leaders in several past treaties. Nepali government on the other hand did not hold strong-arm instinct on people's voice for cause. Nepali are really pained as their academia and total intellectuals are unable to break hardest glass ceilings of discourses in many sectors, economic through culture. It hurts deeply to every Nepali at this time because reasons do not win anything in Nepal. India is trying to leave Nepalese politics feeling confused on some National hero like Buddha. Until and unless Nepali make common cause against such absurd , factually incorrect and uncomfortable truths, the country may fall apart even worse. Any mythical stories can turn to horror facts stealing 'ness' out of Nepali. Therefore intellectuals must fight writing more and more before getting belated. Nepali leaders are already in quick sand due to political sympathy cards played by Indian. Fact- India did not sign in on peaceful nation campaign endorsed and forwarded by then the most popular king of Nepal, Birendra Shaw. Fortunately,So many nations approved it upfront in a very singular way. So it is reasonable to harbour doubts in this light of all bad and harmful steps India has been carrying on against Nepali Identity. Realizing this need of time, ANA as a team must come with the idea of running Buddha's forum during its 26th ANA convention. It will, I believe, keep all Nepali souls together against Indian so called pundits' false view regarding the Orissa as Buddha's homeland. We must respect and admire India. In the mean time we should not turn our deaf ear to whatever is in the process of becoming power through discourse.
'What really matters is what you do with what you have'- Shirley Lord
Enoch Pratt central Library
200 Cathedral Street , Baltimore, USA.
Nepal's all round development remanded dream for a long time lacking proper combination between dreamers and doers. Our two neighbours are emerging as super power and are ready to send their rocket on Moon anytime. Nepali are glad on neighbours' progress and wish Indian Chandra Yan reach moon. However,It is very unfortunate that India continue to resort to different type of domination as well as intimidation and manipulation. And, indeed, it is equally abominable that India took blatant advantage of our gullible leaders in several past treaties. Nepali government on the other hand did not hold strong-arm instinct on people's voice for cause. Nepali are really pained as their academia and total intellectuals are unable to break hardest glass ceilings of discourses in many sectors, economic through culture. It hurts deeply to every Nepali at this time because reasons do not win anything in Nepal. India is trying to leave Nepalese politics feeling confused on some National hero like Buddha. Until and unless Nepali make common cause against such absurd , factually incorrect and uncomfortable truths, the country may fall apart even worse. Any mythical stories can turn to horror facts stealing 'ness' out of Nepali. Therefore intellectuals must fight writing more and more before getting belated. Nepali leaders are already in quick sand due to political sympathy cards played by Indian. Fact- India did not sign in on peaceful nation campaign endorsed and forwarded by then the most popular king of Nepal, Birendra Shaw. Fortunately,So many nations approved it upfront in a very singular way. So it is reasonable to harbour doubts in this light of all bad and harmful steps India has been carrying on against Nepali Identity. Realizing this need of time, ANA as a team must come with the idea of running Buddha's forum during its 26th ANA convention. It will, I believe, keep all Nepali souls together against Indian so called pundits' false view regarding the Orissa as Buddha's homeland. We must respect and admire India. In the mean time we should not turn our deaf ear to whatever is in the process of becoming power through discourse.
'What really matters is what you do with what you have'- Shirley Lord
Obama- American Hope
I came home late yesterday. I could not neglect my car's computerized warning on screen and give up going to Route 40 and went towards Superfresh on 41st Street. I did not dare to travel far with out fixing its problem, though my mom wanted to go there.
My conference call with my friends was so diffuse that few solid points were made. Larry king's (CNN)guest on Prime time exclusive Vice president elect Joe Biden had meaning ful smile on his face . Presiden- elect Obama has four presidential rivals in his team . People compares his team members with Lincoln team. I do agree on Biden as he made a valid point that they don't have profound difference as Lincoln team had. " Our diffence over leadership has already been settled down", Biden argued. His opinion does not seem polemical at this time as everybody has high expectation from Obama and his team. Everymorning I tuned on NPR news station on my way to work. I hear laying off of so many jobs everyday. No body can believe that Bank of America has been saying good bye to its 30,000 employee over few months. It is just an example.At school, I and Mr Harris, a republican nominee for US congress, who is a close friend of mine and teaches at Baltimore Rising Star Academy with me, were projecting even worse American financial market during our planning period the other day. Almost everyday, I received phone call of Nepali friends looking for Job. Some of my friends homes are already on foreclousure. Rest of them are fighting very hard battle. The gas price is dropping down to $ 1.50 per gallon. Gas companies are holding their super tanks to deposit their premium gas. My Japanese and Korean friends next door were also refereing to their week economy. I am not sure how world leader will combat this global economy crisis as a team. Still people have hope on Obama . I can't wait to participate in his inaguration programme on Jan 20th in Washington DC.
My conference call with my friends was so diffuse that few solid points were made. Larry king's (CNN)guest on Prime time exclusive Vice president elect Joe Biden had meaning ful smile on his face . Presiden- elect Obama has four presidential rivals in his team . People compares his team members with Lincoln team. I do agree on Biden as he made a valid point that they don't have profound difference as Lincoln team had. " Our diffence over leadership has already been settled down", Biden argued. His opinion does not seem polemical at this time as everybody has high expectation from Obama and his team. Everymorning I tuned on NPR news station on my way to work. I hear laying off of so many jobs everyday. No body can believe that Bank of America has been saying good bye to its 30,000 employee over few months. It is just an example.At school, I and Mr Harris, a republican nominee for US congress, who is a close friend of mine and teaches at Baltimore Rising Star Academy with me, were projecting even worse American financial market during our planning period the other day. Almost everyday, I received phone call of Nepali friends looking for Job. Some of my friends homes are already on foreclousure. Rest of them are fighting very hard battle. The gas price is dropping down to $ 1.50 per gallon. Gas companies are holding their super tanks to deposit their premium gas. My Japanese and Korean friends next door were also refereing to their week economy. I am not sure how world leader will combat this global economy crisis as a team. Still people have hope on Obama . I can't wait to participate in his inaguration programme on Jan 20th in Washington DC.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Emotional Arsenal
The days are moving, it has no break at all. "Time makes me old and sometime shatterd my hope" murmurs everybody eventually. Hearing friends and family shared same emotion, with the particular hope, torn desire, took back to childhood, when things were possible in our little eye and emotion. In each corner of life room, I sometime feel great loss of hope and recovery. I always tried to give subtler meaning to every tone of life, though. As a result I stand so very firm to myself. I know I can hold my thought to myself for the cause. These causes, in essence, turn topsyturvy land occassionally. Last day, for instance, I was heading to 7075 Belair to participate in a farewell program. I drove past my exit. The wrong exit took me towards the downtown Baltimore. I pulled my car and took long breathe and stared at my GPS.Suddenly, my GPS informed me out loud- Satellitte Loss. In a minute or so I heard the sound " recalculating".Exactly like GPS, I loss my system when my students get my nerve at school. I loss my system in moring rush hour traffic. Most importantly, I loss my system while reporting work late. I look closely enough,at my eyeballs flicking rapidely around under my lids on my side view mirror, I read my dream. I know I have some sort of dream. It might not match with Martin Luther. I can say for sure that I can draw radius line with Obamian spirit ' Change'. At this moment, I apeared tense to the extent of psychological meltdown. My mind could not comprehend anything inside, inflicted truly dire. It was 7 past 10 already. I started serfing through my blackberry and find the address through map quest. I asked to myself- Is the programme mandatory? In a minute I heard a honking of a Lexus at me. It is not always safe to open up car's window, therefore, I just honked back at him. I turned on my car.... but ....I could not start ..Oh my gush! my car battery was dead. 'Do I have jumper cable', I asked to myself and answer immidiately 'yes' in my trunk. I got out of my car and asked Lexus driver if he could help me out to jump start my car. I turned on my key ignition and pressed hard the gas peddle. Thanks god, I was okay to move on now. However, move where? Suddenly, I saw a car ahead of me which was bearing Nepal's flg on its bumber. I just followed the car which took me to the destination. I gave a farewell speech for home returning ambassdor Chalise. Through out the my speech my eyes were roaming around the jummper cable. Around 11 am after dinner I reached home without being lost anywhere. On my way to home, I pondered on the jumper cable needed for my country.
India's discourse on Buddha.

Discourses, Hegemony and the Buddha’s birthplace Lumbini
By HB Bhandari Prabhat , Maryland, USA.
Nepal,a small country of 1,47,000 Sq.Km with 25 million people situated between India and China, has its recognition around the globe as the country of diversity with rich cultural heritage Therefore, a nation must be well equipped in all sectors such as education, politics and so forth to preserve its identity of a multi-lingual, multi-cultural and multi-religion country in this era where power is created by discourse. Power,then, intimidates truth and imparts false knowledge modifying the existing truth in the veil of modernism and pluralism. In the same way, some historians are actively producing fake documents for last 30 years to define and establish India’s Orissa as the birth place of Buddha, Nepali cultural icons and identity. This paper attempts to illustrate motif behind it and explore some of the ways to combat such discourse and hegemony created to confuse and confound the globe by untold numbers of Indian historian and a few western academia.
Discourses, Hegemony and the Buddha’s birthplace Lumbini
By HB Bhandari Prabhat , Maryland, USA.
Nepal,a small country of 1,47,000 Sq.Km with 25 million people situated between India and China, has its recognition around the globe as the country of diversity with rich cultural heritage Therefore, a nation must be well equipped in all sectors such as education, politics and so forth to preserve its identity of a multi-lingual, multi-cultural and multi-religion country in this era where power is created by discourse. Power,then, intimidates truth and imparts false knowledge modifying the existing truth in the veil of modernism and pluralism. In the same way, some historians are actively producing fake documents for last 30 years to define and establish India’s Orissa as the birth place of Buddha, Nepali cultural icons and identity. This paper attempts to illustrate motif behind it and explore some of the ways to combat such discourse and hegemony created to confuse and confound the globe by untold numbers of Indian historian and a few western academia.
to be continued.....
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Criticism (Nepali)

समय संचेतना, आप्रवासी लेखन र सुवेदीको अंकुर उपन्यास
एचबी भन्डारी प्रभात योर्क, पेन्सिल्भेनिया
दोश्रो विश्वयुद्धको समाप्तिसगैं उत्तरआधुनिक युगको लेखनको प्रादर्ुभाव भएपछि लेखकका कलमहरु संसारका अव्यवस्थाहरुमा रमाउन सिक्न लागे । टी.एस्. इलियट द वेष्टल्यान्डमा रोए जस्तो रुन छोडे । युद्धले क्षतविक्षत संसार एकातिर थियो भने अर्कोतिर मान्छेको रगतको खोलो बग्यो, त्यहाँ धर्म संस्कृति, मानवीयता संपर्ूण्ा एकैचोटी खरानी भयो । विस्तारै संसारले युद्धबाट पाठ सिक्न लायो । विचारको द्वन्द्व समाज परिवर्तन गर्ने नव दृष्टिका चेतना बीचमा द्वन्द्व, मानवीय मूल्य र मान्यताको स्थापनाको लागि अनेकन विचारहरुको मन्थनले आज सिङ्गो प्रजातान्त्रिक चरित्रको संसारको अभ्युदय शुरु भयो । तर्सथ यौटा युगिन पाठले सदैव समाज र संसारको अग्रगमनलाई निर्देश गरेको हुन्छ । एउटा पाठ समय र स्थानबाट मुक्त हुन कठिन पर्छ, वरु समय संचेतनालाई पक्रेर संपर्ूण्ा समाजलाई विचार उत्तेजक रुपमा प्रस्तुत गर्दै गतिशील कल्पनाको तरङ्गले चेतनाका विजारोपण गर्दछ । यस सर्न्दर्भमा २०४३ सालमा न्याउली उपन्यासको प्रकाशनसंगै आफ्नो औपन्यासिक यात्रा शुरु गरेर अहिलेसंम सात उपन्यासका र्सजक आप्रवासी लेखकका अग्रिणी उपन्यासकार सुवेदीको पछिल्लो उपन्यास ‘अंकुर’ भित्र प्रयुक्त समय संचेतना र आप्रवासी लेखनका केही पक्षलाई प्रस्तुत लेखमा समेट्न खोजिएको छ ।नेपाली उपन्यासले परंपरागत रुपमा अंगाल्ने गरेका आधारशीलालाई भत्काउदै ‘अंकुर’ उपन्यासको थालनी उपन्यासको अन्त्यबाट भएको छ । कथानकको शुरुवात परिवर्तनको संवाहकको रुपमा उभिएको पात्र कैलाशभित्रको जगडिएर बसेका क्रान्तिकारी चेत संगै उसभित्रका पीडा र रोदनका घाउहरुले यो इतिहासलाई सच्याउने हाँक दिन्छ ।
भूतको इतिहास पढेर देखिने भविष्यका कोरा सपनाले एक्काइसौं शताब्दीले परिकल्पना गरेको संसारको लक्ष्य हासिल न हुने स्पष्ट विचारको शंखघोष गर्दै कैलाशले इतिहासलाई नयाँ ढंगले विवेचना गरिनुपर्ने आवश्यकतालाई उजागर गर्दछ । नवाहको धन पंडितहरुलाई मात्र बाँड्नुभन्दा पुस्तकालयमा लगानी गर्दा आउने नाफा समाजको परिवर्तनको कारक बन्छ भन्ने विचारको अंकुर उमार्न कैलाश परंपराको खिलाफमा खरो उत्रन्छ । सबैभन्दा ठूलो परिवर्तनको लागि आफूलाई परिवर्तन गर्ने प्रणका साथ उसको पहिलो आक्रमणको निशाना आफ्नो अगिल्लो पुस्ता हुन्छ । अगिल्लो पुस्ताको नेतृत्व लिइरहेका आफ्ना बाबुहरुको गलत र क्षणिक सोचाइ नै नेपाल र नेपालीको बाधक भएको संकेत गर्दै कैलाश बोल्छः“पिताजीको हात चप्प समातेर भन्न पाए भन्थें-यो ‘रगत, यो विकसित रगत, यो कालो भएर पनि विचारमा बदलिएको छ …नृशंश बन्दै गइरहेछ ।”यस अर्थमा कैलाशको दृष्टिले शtmिले सिर्जित इतिहासलाई खन्डखन्डमा हेरेर प्रत्येक खन्डका गल्तीहरुलाई सुधार्दै अगाडि बढ्न नसकेमा नेपाली समाजको विकाशको गति दिनानुदिन खस्कदै जाने यथार्थको उजागर गर्दछ । साधारण समयले दिएको उत्तरदायित्व वहन गर्छ । उत्तरदायित्व वहन गर्न सक्नु पनि आफूलाई सुधार्नु हो । प्रत्येक व्यक्तिले आफूलाई सुधारेमा समाज देश र सिङ्गो संसार सुध्रन्छ । तर विडंबना आज मानिस व्यक्तिगत स्वार्थका लागि अरुहरुको स्वार्थलाई किचेर दबाएर र निचोरेर हिडिरहेको छ । यसको विरुद्धको आवाज हो-कैलाशको आवाज! यथार्थको धरातलमा उभिएर गहन स्वरुपमा आफूलाई केलाउदै नेपाली समाजसंग मनोवाद गर्दछ । क्रिया र प्रतिक्रियाको तरङ्गको छाल बग्छ यसभित्र । वलिष्ठ हात र परिपक्व सोच भएको दावासंगै उसले आफूलाई सत्रको क्राइसिस् घोषणा गर्दछ । कैलाशले उपन्यासको शुरुमै यो मेरो कथा हो भनेर भन्नुले उपन्यासभित्र अर्को उपन्यास रचिएको भान हुन्छ । यो कैलाशभित्र हर्ुर्केको ज्वारभाटाभित्रको शक्तिले समाज परिवर्तन गर्न दिइएको अर्को हाँक हो र चुनौती पनि । यो आवाज पिता पुस्ताको प्रेम र व्रि्रोहसंगसंगै कवरसंगै एकाकार बनेर रहेको छ । परंपराका नाममा अनुशरण गरिने संपर्ूण्ा धर्म संस्कृतिको सत्तालाई एकातिर राखेर कैलाश स्वप्नील संसारबाट अरुलाई संचालित स्टेरिङ्ग आफ्नो स्वविवेकले संचानल गर्नको लागि लडिएको युद्धको कथा हो- अंकुर । ज्ञानको पर्फेक्शनमा पुग्यौ भन्ने भ्रमले आफूभित्रको कालोलाई नै भाज्न नसक्नुको पीडाको भाङ्गमा अल्झेको संपर्ूण्ा नेपाली समाजको परिदृश्यलाई यस उपन्यासले समेटेको छ ।
अरुबाट संचालित हुनुको पीडालाई नेपाली कवि भूपि शेरचनले नेपालीलाई अरुबाट संचालित नेपाली फगत क्यारम्बोर्डका गोटी भएको पीडालाई अझ विशिष्ट रुपमा उपन्यासको न्ाायकले अदृश्य शक्तिको विरुद्धमा व्रि्रोहको लडाइले प्रतिनिधित्व गर्दछ । सय प्रतिशत सत्य र सय प्रतिशत असत्य भन्ने लडाइ न भएर ज्ञानलाई पर्फेक्शनमा पुराउन कठिन छ भन्ने मनोविज्ञानका साथ प्रक्रियाको रुपमा भइरहने लडाइ नै उसको लडाइ हो । जीवनको दर्शन र समाज परिवर्तनको चुनौतीपर्ूण्ा लडाइ खुला अन्त्य भएको विकेन्द्रित लडाइ हो ।लेखकको भौतिक बसाइको थलो अमेरिका भए पनि बारम्बार उनी स्मृतिको मानसपटलमा रहेको आफू जन्मेको भूगोलको कथानक उनको मूलतिरको फर्काइलाई संकेत गर्दछ । उपन्यासको मूलपात्र बोल्दछः मेरो सामुन्ने रहेको टेलिस्कोप जस्तो मेरो त्यो सुन्दर धर्तीलाई हर्ेर्ने दूरवीक्षणयन्त्रबाट म सितारा गन्न छोडेर पछि हटेको थिएँ…यसरी चुत्रोको बुटो र बिलाउनेको गाँजभित्रै जीवन दर्शनको स्वाभाविक प्रकृयाको मूल तत्वलाई यस उपन्यासले समातेको छ । आम संपर्ूण्ा नेपालीको चेतनाको स्थिर बढ्न न सक्नमा बिशेष गरेर परम्परावादी र कुरीतिजन्य समाज नै ठहर्याउदै पात्र कैलाशले यज्ञबाट संकलित पैसा पुस्तकालय वा विद्यालय निमार्ण्र्ाा खर्चगनुपर्ने विचारलाई आफ्नो मुख्य तथा धर्म र पेशा बनाएको छ । ऊ अगाडि बोल्छः ‘मैले निर्ण्र्ाागरें, निर्णर्य गरें -यो मेरो आफ्नो होइन कतिपय वर्षेखिको कामना थियो कि म एक सरस्वतीको मन्दिर बनाउँदा भएको यो मन्दिरबाट लाटाले आँखाले देख्नेछन्, अन्धाले बोल्न जान्नेछन् । दम्भ र अचेतनाको कारणबाट नै नेपाली समाजमा दबाउने र दबिने वर्गबीचको खाडल चाक्लिएको यथार्थलाई मध्यनजर गर्दै अंकुर उपन्यासलाई हर्ेदा यो नयाँ आवाजको शङ्खघोष संगै आम परिचयको साथ नेपाली समाजको आर्तनाद पीडाहरुलाई मलहम लगाउने समुच्च दस्ताबेज हो ।
पुस्तक पढ्दै जाँदा अस्तित्ववादी धारका महान् लेखक काफ्काले भने झै एक महान् किताब भनेको हामीभित्रै जमेको समुद्रलाई काट्ने बन्चरो हो भन्ने वाणीलाई चरितार्थ गरेको पाइन्छ । मानवीय संवेदनाको पल्लो सिंढीमा पुगेर आत्मा र विचारको सुन्दर संयोजनभित्र आत्मक्रान्तिद्वारा समाजमा विद्यमान कुरीति विरुद्ध उपन्यासभित्र चलेको लडाइले नै उपन्यासकार सुवेदीको औपन्यासिक विशिष्टता, काल्पनिकता र यथार्थ बीच भएको सुन्दर त्रीपक्षीय मिलनको सुन्दर संयोजन देखाउँछ ।अंकुर उपन्यास यौटा आफैमा पर्ूण्ा नेपालको सजिव चित्र बोकेर आएको छ । घाँस दाउरा, धारा, पधेरादेखि चुत्रोका रुखसंगै देशको विकराल मानसिक सामाजिकदेखि आर्थिक क्रान्तिलाई समेटेको छ । अत्यन्त शूक्ष्म रुपमा आएका बिंबहरु प्रत्यक्ष र परोक्ष रुपमा क्रान्तिचेतलाई उजागर गर्नमा प्रयुक्त छन् । उपन्यासभित्रको यात्रा वर्ण्र्ाार उपन्यासले समेटेको जम्मा ९ दिने यज्ञको कथाको विषयवस्तुमा संपर्ूण्ा मानवीय संभावना, जटिलता र कारुणिक पक्षहरुको अवलोकन गर्दा आधुनिक अंग्रेजी उपन्यासकार जेम्सजेयसको युलिसिसको झझल्को दिन्छ जहाँ थोरै समय -८ घन्टाको)को कथाभित्र एउटा जटिल संसार अटेको छ । जोयसले वाष्पचेतनाको सहाराले विकृति, विसंगति, विसंगतिबाट बच्ने स्पेस खोजे जस्तै सुवेदीको उपन्यासमा पनि त्यो स्पेसको खोजी व्यापक रुपमा भएको छ ।
शैलीको पक्षतिर हर्ेदा फ्रायडियन मनोवैज्ञानिक(Freduian Psychology) धार र वाष्पचेतनाको(stream of consciousness) दोहोरो संयोग पाइने सुवेदीका उपन्यासको नौलो शैलीलाई यहाँ अझ सशक्त रुपमा देखिएको छ । यी सबै शैलीहरुबाट मूल पात्र कैलाशले खोजेको स्पेशभित्र देशको भविष्यको खाका छ ।वाशिङ्गटन डिसीबाट भर्जिनिया हुदै बाल्टिमोर र मेरिल्यान्डसंम पेटका वाध्यताले कुद्दा ऋतु परिवर्तनको समयमा रुखका पातहरुले बदलेको रंगीविरङ्गी रंग देख्दा आफ्नो देशमा काफल पाकेको संझदै अगाडि बढेको संकेत पाइन्छः‘माथि हेरें, हामीलाई थोरै मात्र भए पनि भष्म पार्ने घामबाट छत्रछाया दिने झपक्क राता काफल फलेका काफलको रुख देखें दुर भएर पहिले न देखेंको हैन । देशप्रतिको माया अंगे्रजीमय वातावरणमा नेपाली चर्किएका घर गोठका कथा लेख्ने सुवेदीको भाषा प्रतिको मोहले अझ प्रस्ट पार्दछः ‘म पनि १६ वर्षो हुंदा सिद्धान्त कौमुदी पढ्थें । लाग्थ्यो-इज्यत बढ्छ । म गर्थें पनि त्यस्तै ।’ यसरी प्रस्तुत उपन्यासले एकातिर आफ्नो भाषा, राष्ट्र, संस्कृति र सभ्यताको परिचय दिइरहेको छ भने अर्कोतिर नेपालीमा जीवनप्रति हर्ेर्ने नकारात्मक र शून्यवादी दृष्टिकोणलाई अत्यन्त सकारात्मक र आशावादी हुन प्रेरणा र सूचना दिइरहेको छ ।
म-भन्नुको सारको खोजीमा सुवेदीको कैलाश क्रिमेन्टसको सान्चो पान्जा र मार्लोको द अलेक्ज्यान्डर द ग्रेट र उत्तरआधुनिक काव्यकार गोपाल पराजुलीको नयार्ँर् इश्वरको घोषणाका कृष्णप्रसाद र विष्णुप्रसादको गतिमा नयाँ सोच कल्पना अठोट उत्साह र उमङ्गको नयाँ स्वरुप देखिएको छ । अंकुरले बोकेको जीवन दर्शन सम्पर्ूण्ा रुपमा मानवीय चरित्रको छ; ‘यो सिद्धान्तमा मात्र न भएर व्यवहारमा नै देखाउने प्रण यसरी गर्दछः मेरा कहानी, मेरा कविता, मेरा छाला, मेरा रगत, मेरा प्राणका रन्ध्र रन्ध्रमा उनीहरुको वियोगको स्वर गुन्जिरहन्छ ।’ अझ अगाडि बढेर भन्छ-’यहाँ यो धरतीमा यो परिधिमा मेरा कुनै पनि संस्कार हतकडी बनेर आउन् म तोड्नेछु । एक बखत भयड्ढर सिंगले झम्टिन किन नआओस् म उठाएर फ्याँकी हसमुख म जीवनको पूजागर्ने छु । यो सड्ढल्प छ भने यो शोषणको आँगनमा पलाएको खराब सँस्कृतिको विरुद्धको सड्ढल्प हो; मामा र ससुराको मृत्युको टीका लगाएर दिइने दान जस्ता हजारौं हजार अन्ध विश्वाशले जन्माएका पीडाका विरुद्धको प्रजातान्त्रिक सड्ढल्पको चेत हो । व्राहृमणको छोरा कैलाश पुराणहरुलाई भर्याङ्ग बनाएर भइरहेको शोषणको विकाशको लागि पराश्रति, परावलम्वी, पपरमुखापेक्षी र अस्तित्व हीन सबैसंग ऊ निरन्तर लडाइ लडिरहन्छ र अन्ततोगत्वा सफलता पाउदै पनि द्वन्द्वको उपस्थितिसंगै द्वन्द्व व्यवस्थापनमा नै समाजको हितलाई संकेत गरिएको यस उपन्यासले द्वन्द्वलाई मूल र विशिष्टरुपमा लिएको छ । द्वन्द्वमा यस संसारका तमाम शक्तिलाई जित्न सकेपनि आफूभित्रको शtmिलाई जित्न र ढाँट्न नसकिने र त्यही शक्तिको सकारात्मक पक्षको पूजा र निर्देशमा अगाडि बढ्दा उन्नतिका नयाँ बाटाहरु पहिले नै यथार्थ नै उपन्यासको सरल कथानकभित्र समेटिएको छ । मुख्य कथानकलाई उपन्यासकारले यसरी लेख्छन्ः कुनै ठूलो कुरो होइन एक साधारण यज्ञको आम्दानी आजका दही चिउरे जड्याहा पाखन्डी बाहुनलाई दिनुको बदला एक यस्तो सात्विक शक्तिmमा लगाऊँ जसले दिने र लिने सबै सन्तुष्टी हुन्’ शुक्ष्म विषय वस्तुमा केन्द्रित रहेर जीवनका हरएक पाटाहरुलाई ओल्टाइपल्टाइ केलाउन सक्ने विशेषतालाई हर्ेदा सुवेदीले तय गरेको उत्तरआधुनिक लेखनको यात्रालाई समुच्च रुपमा देखाउँछ ।
आस्तिक र नास्तिकको मनोगत प्रश्नलाई गरिने शोषणको विरुद्ध उभिएको यस उपन्यासले मध्ययुगिन अध्यारो समय अझ पनि हामी नेपालीमा न हटेको संकेत गर्दछ । चर्चका पादरीहरुले धर्मको नाममा गरेको पथभ्रष्टता र बुर्द्धधर्मको नाममा भारतीय उपमहाद्विपमा अठारौं शताब्दीमा भएको यौनदुराचारको हाराहारीमा धर्मको गलत प्रयोगलाई देखाउदै आफ्ना कमजोरीहरुको उत्तरदायित्व यस उपन्यासले वहन गरेको छ । यो औपचारिक शिक्षाभन्दा समय संचेतनाले देखाएको दृष्टिकोण हो, अनुभव हो । यस सर्न्दर्भमा कैलाश धर्मको वकालत गर्ने पिताजीलाई जबाफ दिन्छ; ज्ञान पिताजीको ढुंग्रामा भरिएर राखिएको मात्र हुन्न ।यसरी चेतनाको स्तर र माथि उठ्ने समाज परिवर्तनको कारण तत्व भएको यथार्थलाई आत्मसात् गर्दै द्वन्द्वको उपस्थितिमा समय संचेतना स्पष्ट देखिने प्रस्तुत उपन्यास अंकुरले दिशा निर्देश गरेको स्पेश र परिवर्तनले सुवेदीले नेपाली आप्रवासी लेखनको अगुवाइ रुपमा बनाएको परिचयलाई अझै विशिष्ट रुपमा देखाउनुकासाथै नेपाली समाजको प्रगतिको नयाँ संभावनाहरु उजागर गर्दछ । उपन्यासको पात्र कैलाशमा सत्र वर्षो उमेरमा देखिएको तपस्या र चेतलाई नेपाली परिवेशमा हर्ेदा बढी औपन्यासिक पात्रको छनक पाइए पनि उसलाई समय सूचकको रुपमा लिए’लिइएकोले उसको उपस्थिति अत्यन्त प्रतीकात्मक छ ।
अन्धविश्वास मुठे बलका आडमा गरिने शोषण र दमनका विरुद्धमा कैलाशका मुलग्राही आँखाले रोपेको अंकुर उम्रिदा हर्ुकदा र झाँगिदा साच्चिकै देशको परिवर्तन हुने संकेतन यस उपन्यासले गरेको भाव पक्ष हो । दोश्रो विश्व युद्धपछि देखिएको नयाँ उत्तरआधुनिक सोचको प्रतिज्ञा र नवनिर्माण नै यसको लक्ष्य हो । नयाँ समय संचेतना बोकेर आएको द्वन्द्वको स्वरुपलाई शरद ऋतुमाथि हेमन्तको तुषारो खनिए झैं आएको छ अंकुर जुन समाज परिवर्तनको मुलढोकाको साँचो हो । देशका अगेना चिसा भएका र रगतको खोलो बगिरहेको वर्तमान अवस्थामा अंकुर उपन्यासले आप्रवासी लेखनको मुलमर्मलाई समेट्दै पाठकलाई सुन्दर भविष्यप्रति सकात्मक सोचका साथ मानसिक द्वन्द्व र भाइचाराको रुपमा अगाडि बढ्दै समाज निमार्ण्र्ाार्ने ठूलो दायित्वबोध गराउँछ ।
The work I am proud of

It's my pleasure to let my friends and readers know that I was successful to publish a book of a Nepali writer, Gopal Parajuli, from Robertson Publishing House, California. Everybody knows western publishers do not easily trust on Nepali liteary works. I am proud to take the initiation. Please let's promote Nepali literature buying such books online. Interestengly, the book is listed in Barnes and Nobel and Amazon.com.
— Critical Discourses on Gopal Parajuli —
About Gopal Parajuli and a list of his other works
Message from Gopal
Contact Gopal
Critical Discources on Gopal ParajuliA collection of critical commentaries Edited by: Susan M. Griffith-Jones
Susan Griffith-Jones has assembled a collection of commentaries giving insite into Gopal Parajuli, his writings, and his place in history. The book contains essays penned by Gopal Parajuli and a variety of authors familiar with Gopal's body of work.
Contributors include:
Sanjeev Uprety Ph.D., teacher at the Central Department of English, Tribhuvan University.
Sandy Chilcote, poet, librarian, playwright and translator.
Govinda Raj Bhattarai Ph.D., who is involved in teaching Masters level language, linguistics and literature courses at Tribhuvan University.
Susan Griffith-Jones, film-maker from the UK.
Jaya Raj Acharya Ph.D., Senior Fellow at US Institute of Peace in Washington DC.
Shreedhar Gautam Ph.D., Associate professor of English at Tribhuvan University, columnist and scholar activist.
Tek B. Karki, critically acclaimed poet.
HB Bhandari Prabhat, published author of text books, books of critical commentary, and articles. He also teaches English Language and Literature at the Homeland Security Academy, and Baltimore Community College, USA.
Suresh Hachekali, has published a poetry collection. By profession he is a teacher. He is also one of the founders of Labyrinth Conscience, based on Post modern critical theory.
Tulasi Prasad Acharya, better known for his involvement on mass communication and journalism. He has authored a few books, and regularly contributes to national journals lending distinctive new approach. He currently teaches English at colleges in Kathmandu.
Mukti Ghimire 'Pathik', teaches English at Trichandra College. He has published poems, short stories and criticism.
Kamala Sarup, journalist, story writer and scholar activist. She has published two story collections. Currently a recipient of International Award for women issues from Geneva, is a writer on feminism.
6" x 9" • 132 pagesISBN: 978-0-9796251-1-4
Published by: Robertson PublishingAvailable from:
Robertson Publishing: $14.95 plus S&H
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"Gopal Parajuli, celebrated Nepali poet, dramatist and the winner of the 2004 Madan Puruskar (the highest literary award in Nepal) for his poetic text ‘Naya Ishwor Ko Ghoshana’ (Declaration of a New God), is a simple, honest, down-to-earth person, making a strong impact upon those who have the opportunity to get to know him. Vegetarian and teetotaler, one of the top boxers at national level for his weight in his heyday and selected for the post of Second Lieutenant in the Nepalese army in his 20s, Parajuli is currently the editor of ‘Garima’, Nepal’s foremost literary magazine. A man of simple tastes, Parajuli likes to walk long distances in the city of Kathmandu.
When he wields a pen, however, he becomes a changed man. He speaks with the voice of a prophet, and the words he sets upon the page breath fire. In ‘Naya Ishwor ko Ghoshana’, his most celebrated text so far, Gopalji speaks both like a warrior and a poet. Although the poetic personas that he creates in the text, Krishna Prasad and Vishnu Prasad generally speak like simple, down-to-earth common people, they also assume the tone of spiritual warriors fighting a perpetual battle against the forces of darkness..." —Sanjeev Uprety, Ph.D.
"Gopal Parajuli is a poet extra-ordinary, who composes ambrosial messages as though they were transmitted via God. His soul evokes true purpose of vitality... he as the ability to transform words on paper into the ethers of universal magic... Formations of true meaning out of the emptiness of humanities follies."—Michael Levy
About the Author:
Gopal Parajuli is a Postmodern Poet in Nepali Literature. He has published hundreds of poems, plays, short stories,essays, interviews & articles in most of the leading magazines and papers from Nepal & E-magazines-Poettext (U.K.), Cubed (Canada), Paradesh (USA), Panorama (Canada), Peace Media (peacejournalism.com) (America), Freenepal (Mosco), News Blaze (US), Pressbox (London), Scoop (Newzealand) and News From Bangladesh (Bangladesh).
Gopal Parajuli's other Literary works:
Samanantar Sadak(Parallel Roads), a play published by Ratna Pustak Bhandar, 2007
Nayan Ishwarko Ghoshana(Declaration of a New God), an epic poem published by International Nepali Literary Society (INLS), Washington D.C., America, 2004 (INLS Best Book Award)
Samayako Prasthan(The Departure of Time), an epic poem published by Yeti Nepali Association UK, 2002
Shabda Shatabdi (The Lost Century), an epic poem published by Sarvada Vangmaya Pratishthan, 2001
Deshmathi Alekh(A Salute to the Nation), an epic poem published by Nepal Academy, 1999
Arko Disha (New Direction), a collection of short stories published by Sajha Prakashan, 1998
Himalmathi Alekh(Mark on the Summit), an epic poem published by Nepal Academy, 1997
Dishahin Akash(The Broken Sky), a collection of short stories published by Sajha Prakashan, 1994
Prithbimathi Alekh(The Mother-Figure), an epic poem published by Sajha Prakashan, 1990
Sadakpachhi Sadak(Road After Road), a play published by Navin Prakashan, Baranasi (India), 1990
Golardhaka Dui Chheu (The Two Extremes), a collection of one act plays Published by Sajha Prakashan, 1981 [Out of this collection two plays are taught at T.U. classes. The Two Extremes at bachelor's degree level in B.Ed. and B.A. The Sky Goes on Opening at master's level in M.Ed.]
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"The world goes on creating new things. Literature is a creation, not a theory. The law of nature is that things change, thus new things come about. To neglect the novelty and potential of creation is to go against its absolute nature. In literature a writer rides on his experiments in thought, subject, language, style and so on and each one of my creations, I prefer to experiment with these aspects too." —Gopal Parajuli
Gopal ParajuliKoteshwar, Kathmandu, NepalTelephone: 5522132 (0), 4482829 (R), 9841535213 (M)Email: mailto:%20gopalparajulis@yahoo.com
Robertson Publishing
59 N. Santa Cruz Ave., Ste. B, Los Gatos, CA 95030 408-354-5957 or Toll Free 888-354-5957
— Critical Discourses on Gopal Parajuli —
About Gopal Parajuli and a list of his other works
Message from Gopal
Contact Gopal
Critical Discources on Gopal ParajuliA collection of critical commentaries Edited by: Susan M. Griffith-Jones
Susan Griffith-Jones has assembled a collection of commentaries giving insite into Gopal Parajuli, his writings, and his place in history. The book contains essays penned by Gopal Parajuli and a variety of authors familiar with Gopal's body of work.
Contributors include:
Sanjeev Uprety Ph.D., teacher at the Central Department of English, Tribhuvan University.
Sandy Chilcote, poet, librarian, playwright and translator.
Govinda Raj Bhattarai Ph.D., who is involved in teaching Masters level language, linguistics and literature courses at Tribhuvan University.
Susan Griffith-Jones, film-maker from the UK.
Jaya Raj Acharya Ph.D., Senior Fellow at US Institute of Peace in Washington DC.
Shreedhar Gautam Ph.D., Associate professor of English at Tribhuvan University, columnist and scholar activist.
Tek B. Karki, critically acclaimed poet.
HB Bhandari Prabhat, published author of text books, books of critical commentary, and articles. He also teaches English Language and Literature at the Homeland Security Academy, and Baltimore Community College, USA.
Suresh Hachekali, has published a poetry collection. By profession he is a teacher. He is also one of the founders of Labyrinth Conscience, based on Post modern critical theory.
Tulasi Prasad Acharya, better known for his involvement on mass communication and journalism. He has authored a few books, and regularly contributes to national journals lending distinctive new approach. He currently teaches English at colleges in Kathmandu.
Mukti Ghimire 'Pathik', teaches English at Trichandra College. He has published poems, short stories and criticism.
Kamala Sarup, journalist, story writer and scholar activist. She has published two story collections. Currently a recipient of International Award for women issues from Geneva, is a writer on feminism.
6" x 9" • 132 pagesISBN: 978-0-9796251-1-4
Published by: Robertson PublishingAvailable from:
Robertson Publishing: $14.95 plus S&H
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"Gopal Parajuli, celebrated Nepali poet, dramatist and the winner of the 2004 Madan Puruskar (the highest literary award in Nepal) for his poetic text ‘Naya Ishwor Ko Ghoshana’ (Declaration of a New God), is a simple, honest, down-to-earth person, making a strong impact upon those who have the opportunity to get to know him. Vegetarian and teetotaler, one of the top boxers at national level for his weight in his heyday and selected for the post of Second Lieutenant in the Nepalese army in his 20s, Parajuli is currently the editor of ‘Garima’, Nepal’s foremost literary magazine. A man of simple tastes, Parajuli likes to walk long distances in the city of Kathmandu.
When he wields a pen, however, he becomes a changed man. He speaks with the voice of a prophet, and the words he sets upon the page breath fire. In ‘Naya Ishwor ko Ghoshana’, his most celebrated text so far, Gopalji speaks both like a warrior and a poet. Although the poetic personas that he creates in the text, Krishna Prasad and Vishnu Prasad generally speak like simple, down-to-earth common people, they also assume the tone of spiritual warriors fighting a perpetual battle against the forces of darkness..." —Sanjeev Uprety, Ph.D.
"Gopal Parajuli is a poet extra-ordinary, who composes ambrosial messages as though they were transmitted via God. His soul evokes true purpose of vitality... he as the ability to transform words on paper into the ethers of universal magic... Formations of true meaning out of the emptiness of humanities follies."—Michael Levy
About the Author:
Gopal Parajuli is a Postmodern Poet in Nepali Literature. He has published hundreds of poems, plays, short stories,essays, interviews & articles in most of the leading magazines and papers from Nepal & E-magazines-Poettext (U.K.), Cubed (Canada), Paradesh (USA), Panorama (Canada), Peace Media (peacejournalism.com) (America), Freenepal (Mosco), News Blaze (US), Pressbox (London), Scoop (Newzealand) and News From Bangladesh (Bangladesh).
Gopal Parajuli's other Literary works:
Samanantar Sadak(Parallel Roads), a play published by Ratna Pustak Bhandar, 2007
Nayan Ishwarko Ghoshana(Declaration of a New God), an epic poem published by International Nepali Literary Society (INLS), Washington D.C., America, 2004 (INLS Best Book Award)
Samayako Prasthan(The Departure of Time), an epic poem published by Yeti Nepali Association UK, 2002
Shabda Shatabdi (The Lost Century), an epic poem published by Sarvada Vangmaya Pratishthan, 2001
Deshmathi Alekh(A Salute to the Nation), an epic poem published by Nepal Academy, 1999
Arko Disha (New Direction), a collection of short stories published by Sajha Prakashan, 1998
Himalmathi Alekh(Mark on the Summit), an epic poem published by Nepal Academy, 1997
Dishahin Akash(The Broken Sky), a collection of short stories published by Sajha Prakashan, 1994
Prithbimathi Alekh(The Mother-Figure), an epic poem published by Sajha Prakashan, 1990
Sadakpachhi Sadak(Road After Road), a play published by Navin Prakashan, Baranasi (India), 1990
Golardhaka Dui Chheu (The Two Extremes), a collection of one act plays Published by Sajha Prakashan, 1981 [Out of this collection two plays are taught at T.U. classes. The Two Extremes at bachelor's degree level in B.Ed. and B.A. The Sky Goes on Opening at master's level in M.Ed.]
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"The world goes on creating new things. Literature is a creation, not a theory. The law of nature is that things change, thus new things come about. To neglect the novelty and potential of creation is to go against its absolute nature. In literature a writer rides on his experiments in thought, subject, language, style and so on and each one of my creations, I prefer to experiment with these aspects too." —Gopal Parajuli
Gopal ParajuliKoteshwar, Kathmandu, NepalTelephone: 5522132 (0), 4482829 (R), 9841535213 (M)Email: mailto:%20gopalparajulis@yahoo.com
Robertson Publishing
59 N. Santa Cruz Ave., Ste. B, Los Gatos, CA 95030 408-354-5957 or Toll Free 888-354-5957
Community News (English)

26th ANA Convention - Organizing Committee Selection
Thursday, 04 October 2007
We want to thank everyone who participated in the BANA General Meeting held on Sunday afternoon in Towson to discuss 26th ANA Convention. About fifty members of the community participated in the event. Simon Dhungana of ANA held a town hall style forum where he briefly explained the mechanisms of organizing a Convention of more than 5 thousand Nepalese from ANA’s experiences. We want to thank Simon Dhungana and Medhani Adhikari of ANA for their time and efforts.
The town hall style forum was open to question and answer session where some of the members voiced their dissent on the nomination of Committee Chairs. We want to thank those of you who voiced their opinions in disagreement. This is a very encouraging practice in a democratic organization like BANA and we have considered those opinions in formulating the plans for going forward.
We will implement the following process in creating Committees/Sub-committees and their Chairpersons for the 26th ANA Convention organizing committee. Please note that these processes as well as organizing the Convention are dependent on all of our collective efforts. Please make sure that if you sign up your name for any of the committee, we expect a total commitment of your time and efforts.
1) Organizing Committee/Sub-committee Member sign upWe have listed the names of the people who have already signed up for the committees below. We will accept names for the committees until Sunday October 7th 1 PM. You can send us your intentions to become a member of the committee of your choice by email or call any one of the executive committee members. Please include your name, phone number and the committee you are interested in your email.
2) Final Organizing Committee/Sub-committee members list will be published after our discussions of Executive Committee on Sunday October 7.
3) We will set up a time and location to meet with everyone who signed up for the organizing committees on Sunday November 4th. At the meeting, members of each organizing committee will meet with BANA’s Executive committee for a brief joint session. One or more of the committee members will declare his/her intentions to be the Chairperson of the committee to the joint session. At the end of the session, a unanimous choice will become the Chairperson of the organizing committee. If we cannot reach a unanimous decision, a vote count will be taken of the joint session to choose a Chairperson.
The Chairperson of each of the organizing committee will become the members of the Steering Committee of the 26th ANA Convention. The following is the list of people who have signed up for the organizing committee so far.
Organizational Sessions - Literature and Poetry Session (INLS), NRN
Apala Upadhyay
Raj Senchury
Rabi Poudel
Meena Pradhan
HB Bhandari
Paras M Shrestha
Signature Sessions - Opening Ceremonies, Banquet, ANA AGM
Chitra KC
Kumar Bhandari
Hitman Gurung
Santosh Shrestha
Forums - Nepal, Business, Youth
Raj Kafley
Ravi Pradhan
Narayan Thapa
Dharam Bishwokarma
Shyam Karki
Sports – Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball
Arun Roka
Adeep Roka
Chiran KC
Sagar Thapa
Padam Pun
Ram Bhandari
Ammar Chantyal
Om Tulachan
Shailesh Bataju
Mohan Thapa
Tour/Travel – Tourist, Mandir
Kapil Ranabhat
Registration – Convention, Events
Publications – Brochure, Event Guides
Shreejan Tamrakar
Information – Information technology, Public/media Relations, Information center
Kamal Ranabhat
Kamlesh Ranabhat
Finance – Sponsorship, Promotion, Accounting
Entertainment - DJ Session, Cultural Program (Kids & Adults), Concert, Film Screening
Kiran Aryal
Saroj Dutta
Kapil Ranabhat
Shreejan Tamrakar
Bishnu Shrestha
Dinesh Gurung ‘DJD’
Rabindra Adhikari
Rajan KC
Dev Shrestha
Rabi Lamichhane
Binod Manandhar
Suman Malla
Prem Raja Mahat
Reunions – SEBS and others
Child Centers - Kids Camp, Day Care
Orignally published in http://www.banaonline.org/.
Thursday, 04 October 2007
We want to thank everyone who participated in the BANA General Meeting held on Sunday afternoon in Towson to discuss 26th ANA Convention. About fifty members of the community participated in the event. Simon Dhungana of ANA held a town hall style forum where he briefly explained the mechanisms of organizing a Convention of more than 5 thousand Nepalese from ANA’s experiences. We want to thank Simon Dhungana and Medhani Adhikari of ANA for their time and efforts.
The town hall style forum was open to question and answer session where some of the members voiced their dissent on the nomination of Committee Chairs. We want to thank those of you who voiced their opinions in disagreement. This is a very encouraging practice in a democratic organization like BANA and we have considered those opinions in formulating the plans for going forward.
We will implement the following process in creating Committees/Sub-committees and their Chairpersons for the 26th ANA Convention organizing committee. Please note that these processes as well as organizing the Convention are dependent on all of our collective efforts. Please make sure that if you sign up your name for any of the committee, we expect a total commitment of your time and efforts.
1) Organizing Committee/Sub-committee Member sign upWe have listed the names of the people who have already signed up for the committees below. We will accept names for the committees until Sunday October 7th 1 PM. You can send us your intentions to become a member of the committee of your choice by email or call any one of the executive committee members. Please include your name, phone number and the committee you are interested in your email.
2) Final Organizing Committee/Sub-committee members list will be published after our discussions of Executive Committee on Sunday October 7.
3) We will set up a time and location to meet with everyone who signed up for the organizing committees on Sunday November 4th. At the meeting, members of each organizing committee will meet with BANA’s Executive committee for a brief joint session. One or more of the committee members will declare his/her intentions to be the Chairperson of the committee to the joint session. At the end of the session, a unanimous choice will become the Chairperson of the organizing committee. If we cannot reach a unanimous decision, a vote count will be taken of the joint session to choose a Chairperson.
The Chairperson of each of the organizing committee will become the members of the Steering Committee of the 26th ANA Convention. The following is the list of people who have signed up for the organizing committee so far.
Organizational Sessions - Literature and Poetry Session (INLS), NRN
Apala Upadhyay
Raj Senchury
Rabi Poudel
Meena Pradhan
HB Bhandari
Paras M Shrestha
Signature Sessions - Opening Ceremonies, Banquet, ANA AGM
Chitra KC
Kumar Bhandari
Hitman Gurung
Santosh Shrestha
Forums - Nepal, Business, Youth
Raj Kafley
Ravi Pradhan
Narayan Thapa
Dharam Bishwokarma
Shyam Karki
Sports – Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball
Arun Roka
Adeep Roka
Chiran KC
Sagar Thapa
Padam Pun
Ram Bhandari
Ammar Chantyal
Om Tulachan
Shailesh Bataju
Mohan Thapa
Tour/Travel – Tourist, Mandir
Kapil Ranabhat
Registration – Convention, Events
Publications – Brochure, Event Guides
Shreejan Tamrakar
Information – Information technology, Public/media Relations, Information center
Kamal Ranabhat
Kamlesh Ranabhat
Finance – Sponsorship, Promotion, Accounting
Entertainment - DJ Session, Cultural Program (Kids & Adults), Concert, Film Screening
Kiran Aryal
Saroj Dutta
Kapil Ranabhat
Shreejan Tamrakar
Bishnu Shrestha
Dinesh Gurung ‘DJD’
Rabindra Adhikari
Rajan KC
Dev Shrestha
Rabi Lamichhane
Binod Manandhar
Suman Malla
Prem Raja Mahat
Reunions – SEBS and others
Child Centers - Kids Camp, Day Care
Orignally published in http://www.banaonline.org/.
Literary News
INLS Forms Maryland Chapter And Celebrates NRN Day In Baltimore, MD (10/14/07)
A Grand Literary Program on Nepali Literature in BaltimoreInternational Nepali Literary Society (INLS) organized a literary program at Enoch Pratt Central library, Baltimore, Maryland, on 14th Oct, 2007 to form its Maryland, USA chapter and to inform local Nepalese with the updates of different organizations serving Nepali community locally and nationally. The program was inaugurated by 86 years old chief guest-Harilal Subedi. The new national anthem composed by Baykul Maila was played in the beginning. The program was held under the chairmanship of critic HB Bhandari Prabhat. Puja Chanda, a Nepali actress, delivered welcomed speech. Dr Bhim Kattel Professor at Morgan State University, Pashupati Bandjade, a social worker, greeted the gathering with their best wishes. Dr Kattel thanked INLS for organizing the program and wished all the best for the newly formed INLS MD chapter. Chandra Bishwokarma, hosted the program. Various community leaders shared vision, and mission of their organizations. They updated their most recent activities during their speech. Furthermore, Mr Biswokarma highlighted the need of Nepali school of languages in Baltimore. Prem Raja Mahat, Nepali acclaimed folk singer, spoke on “Nepali Community in Baltimore: Now and Then.” During his speech, he highly appreciated generosity of Nepali heart living in Baltimore for their best hospitality shown to new Nepalese guests in Baltimore. Bijaya Shrestha, ANA executive member, requested every Nepalese to help accomplish upcoming 26th General Convention- Baltimore. In the same vein, Mr Krish Ghimire, BANA President and Rabina KC, BANA Vice President highlighted BANA’s mission, vision and stressed the need of Nepali school of Languages and Literature. BANA and INLS should work together to concretize the school vision,’ he added. Similarly, Tarun Poudel, a Nepali journalist delivered speech on “Nepali Journalism in America: Problems and Possibilities “. According to Poudel, the lack of competence of English language has become the major problems for Nepali Journalist to start their career in the same field in USA. He was very hopeful on second generation. He cited name of some famous Nepali American Journalist like Kiran Chettri from the second generation. Miss Chettri works for CNN.Moreover, Mr Dharam Biswokarma, President of Nepal America Society for oppressed community (NASO) urged writers to write for equality to make the dream of new Nepal come true. Gautam Dahal, founder secretary of HURAN USA worried about the human right situation in Nepal and highly condemned the abduction of journalists and common people on “The Situation of Human right in Nepal and role of HURAN USA” Arjun Hamal, who works for Baltimore city office government, highlighted some smart ways to enter in American job market. “Lack of proper guidance and little knowledge about job market are two main reasons of our inability to enter in decent job in America”, he insisted. He requested president of all Nepali organizations to launch program focusing on their people carrier.Harilal Subedi, the father of Homnath Subedi, released book “The Critical Discourses on Gopal Parajuli”. Mr HB Bhandari prabhat shared out his experience of publishing book and its content” It is all about making Nepal known outside and exploration of our identity culture”, he said commenting on released book. The book was published from Robertson Publishing, California and can be purchased online through official website of Barnes and noble (www.barnes and noble .com) and Amazon.com. During the book release session, Puja chanda, Pashupati Banjade, Rabina Thapa and many other poet and poetess recited their poetry.The literary program formed an INLS MD chapter under the presidency of HB Bhandari Prabhat. Mr Bhandari is ANA executive member, critic, and faculty in English Department at Baltimore Community college and Homeland security Academy, Baltimore USA. Puja Chanda, Gautam Dahal, Chandra Bishwokarma, Sanjaya Ghimire and Tirtha Poudel are Chapter’s Vice president, General Secretary, Treasure, Secretary and Joint Secretary respectively . Arjun Hamal and Rajendra Senchuri are Executive Committee members. Homnath Subedi, founder president of INLS presented his Diaspora Nirpadhwaj Karki award acceptance speech. Mr Subedi was awarded with this prize during NRNA pre conference literary session in Katmandu. He, moreover, explained INLS’s mission and history. INLS was founded in 2048 BS in Washington DC and has opened up its branches in more than 40 countries around the world for the preservation and promotion of Nepalese language, literature, and culture. INLS organized this program in Baltimore to celebrate NRN day as well. On the same day, NRNA and INLS jointly organized NRN-INLS Literary Festival and Award Ceremony in Kathmandu.
HB Bhandari "Prabhat"PresidentINLS Maryland ChapterBaltimore, MarylandUSA
Literature/Poetry-INLS -->
ANA INLS poetry festival will again alive the ANA convention in July 3, 2008 from 6 pm to 10 pm. Arranged into one intense day, the festival welcomes well known and budding poets. As usual the poetry festival is divided into two sessions. The first one is competitive and the other one is the non competitive where all the renowned poets will read their recent verse.
The First Session: Poetry for CompetitionTheme of festival: The Contemporary Nepal and Globalization of Nepali Literature
Procedures for this session (both Adults & children poets take part respectively)Moderator: Two Time Distribution: 90 minutesNumber of poems accepted: 40 for adults and 20 for childrenPanel of judges: Three (will be only disclosed during session)Submission Date: June 28th 2008
Criteria (submission guide lines)
Entrants must submit only one poem and can not take part in both Sessions.
Entrants may submit only one poem on Contemporary Nepali Literature theme for competition and must be originally written in Nepali Language.
All poems must be unpublished, original work of a living author. Poems must not have been previously published, self-published or published on a website or broadcast.
The poem must be typed or very clearly written on one side of the paper only.
No alterations can be made to the poem once it has been submitted. The judges' decisions are final and no correspondence can be entered into regarding those decisions.
The judges are instructed to give 70% in theme of the poem and 30% for presentation.
The judges' shortlists will be announced on May 15,2008 and the prizes will be announced and awarded during the ANA International Poetry Festival, Each winner will be invited to read a selection of his/her work at the festival. Prize winner must attend the convention to be eligible to be winner. A list of the prize-winners will be posted up on ANA poetry festival website as soon as they are announced during the festival weekend.
Copyright will remain with the competitor, but ANA along with INLS will reserve the right to arrange first publication or broadcast of selected poems.
Submission of a poem implies the competitor's acceptance of the conditions set out above.
Along with the completed entry form given below, interested poets will submit their poetry by postal service or via email not later than June 28, 2008 to the following address.
HB Bhandari Prabhat
Chair INLS- ANA Poetry Festival Committee-2008
4411 Laplata Ave Apt F, Baltimore MD, 21211, USA.Email:bhandaryhb@gmail.com
The Second Session: Open to All & Distinguished Guests
This session is not competitive and designed for all the interested people and all renowned poets and literary figures like Dr. Taranath Sharma, Rt. Hon'bl Dr. Pawan Kumar Chamling and so on will attend the festival. It is expected to last for 45 minutes.
The festival will conclude with the announcement of Prizes and Awards: The famous ANA-INLS annual Awards are:
I. SHARMA MUDVARI ADULT POETRY AWARD First $150 and CertificateSecond $ 100 and CertificateThird $50 and Certificate
II. AMAR MINA CHILDREN AWARDFirst $100 and certificateSecond$75 and certificateThird $25 and certificate Note: Only children below 18 years old are eligible in this categoryIII. NARAYAN - JAYANTA PRASAI WEB JOURNALISM AWARD
A. The purpose of this award:This is to encourage and promote Nepali Literary Web Journalism by honoring the online publication of literary journals .B. Amount of the award: Cash $200.00 and a Certificate.C. Award entry qualification criteria:
There is no application fee.
The publication must have been published online consistently for minimum of one calendar year. It must have valid Web address at the time of evaluation. The web publication must be publicly accessible and may have been utilized by any Web publishing technology.
The publication must have been published and managed from outside Nepal in the Diaspora.
Nepali Literary Web Journalism publication is defined as a web publication that includes any of the following forms of creative and non-fiction writings: poems, short stories, literary translation, essays, diaries, autobiography, biographies, creative letters, magazine writing, travel writing, book reviews, nature writing, science fiction writing, literary, cultural, art histories, journalism, literary news and views and the memoirs. The publication must cover most of these writings.
A nomination for award could be submitted by the editor or publisher or anyone authorized on behalf of the publication.
The publication could be in Nepali and English language or both but the content should include much more of the Nepali context.
A publication that is directly edited by a member of this award’s Judges can not participate in the award.D. Award Evaluation Criteria: The publication will be evaluated using five generic online publication evaluation criteria - Accuracy, Reliability, Authority, Objectivity, Currency and Coverage.(Please visit http://www.inls.org/ and look 12/14/07 Award Notice for other details on this prize) The judges’ decision is full and final. The ANA-INLS poetry festival committee reserves the copy right and administrative changes if needed.
Second Winter Literary Festival in Honor of theNepali Litterateurs and the Winter Poetry Festival WDC- Feb 19, 2006.
INLS- DC Metro Chapter organized the second winter literary Program which was given a literary Nomemclature as Second Sheetkalin Sahityakar Samman and Sheeshir Shuseli Kavita Gosthee( Lit . Winter Literary program in Honor of the late Nepali poets born in the winter Season and Winter Poetry Recitation Festival).In the program the litterateur Mr. Murari Raj Sharma, the ex-permanent representative and ambassador to the UN and Mr. Bhanubhakta Pokhrel , the Madan Puraskar winner poet of Nepal were present as chief guest and special guest respectively.The fairly big gathering of about 80 people as chaired by Mr. Homraj Acharya was conducted as an MC by Basu Shrestha, the VP of the Chapter and the welcome speech was delivered by Narayan Adhikari, the treasurer of the same.The program was started by garlanding on the photos of the honored late litterateurs to name: the poet laureate Lekhnath Poudyal, the great playwright and poet Balkrishna Sama, all round litterateur, educationist, and publisher Parashmani Pradhan , pioneer critic , novelist and poet Hridayachadra Singh Pradhan , novelist and famous humorist Keshabraj Pindali and the very great and popular modern poet Bhupee Sherchan.Speaking highly of the honored late poets the chief guest said that the ancestral poets had paved a literary way for our creative culture in the developed highway of which we are marching forward. While giving the Letter of Honor to the distinguished poet Mr. Bhanubhakta Pokhrel , on behalf of the DC Metro Chapter, he also remarked that the culture of honoring the living poets – who are the social forerunners - is actually an excellent job in itself which is very much encouraging and meaningful to do some more while s/he has any physical time and power . The invited and honored poet Mr. Bhanubhakta Pokhrel while expressing his warm words of gratefulness laid stress on the importance of arts , literature and culture as being the flowery symbol and substantial realities of the meaningful identity as well as prosperity of the community and nation in point . He also extended his sincere thanks to all concerned.In the program Mr . Homnath Subedi, the founder president of INLS and the present Chair of the Trustee gave an introductory speech about Mr. Bhanubhakta Pokhrel as the latter being a great poet with his many epics , longer poems and anthologies, a distinguished critic of wider importance and an activist in the literary organizations including a few ones he chaired. He has infused modern sensibilities in his perfect classical metrical verses all through, he concluded. In the program the best wishes sent by Mr. Mohan Sitoula, the President of INLS- HQ , was read out by Basu Shrestha.Mr. Dinesh Tripathi, the distinguished legal advocate and a poet, the famous writer Govinda Giri Prerana shed light on the honored late great poets mentioned above. Critic and INLS Pennsylvania York president HB Bhandari Prabhat presented paper on ‘Non-Western Studies and Translation’ and asserted “Nepali literature starts its international voyage and act as cultural ambassador in this era of globalization if Nepali texts are translated and prescribed them in different academy of cultural studies just like Chinese, Japanese and Indian studies in western schools.” Another aspect of the program was its creative flashes - the poetry recitals. In this side of the theater the poets Basanta Shrestha , Govindagiri Prerana, Basu Shrestha , Mrs. Ganga Ligal, Hasta Goutam’Mridul’, Homnath Subedi, Kapil Sitoula, Manju Niroula, Narayan Adhikari, Prem Sangroula, Ram Basyal, Rajendra Oli, Sudeepbhadra Khanal recited their poems. The poems sent by Mohan Sitoula, Hari Ghimire and Dhrub Pangeni were recited by Homnath Subedi, Kapil Sitoula Basu Shrestha and respectively.Basu Shrestha, the VP of the Chapter announced the names of the new Election Commission for the new Executive Committee of the INLS- DC Metro Chapter. The names are: Mr. Basanta Shrestha, the ex- president of the INLS- HQ , as Chair , Khem Bhattachan, the ex-VP of the INLS as a member and the technician and a social activist also as a member. It was also duly requested that the Commission will announce the names of the officers and the members of the new E- committee of the DC Metro Chapter on or before the 15th of March, 2006 as a result of the election or all-consensus done before the date. INLS-HQ announced that "INLS Best Book Award" has increased 100%. It was 50000.00NC now on it is going to be 100000.00NC. In addition, Mechi, Koshi, Janakpur, Narayani, Gandaki and Dhaulagiri zonal book awards also are established , the announcement added .The program came to a close for tea and snacks following a summing up and vote of thanks by the Chairperson of the Chapter to all participates, volunteers, medias and Ms. Ann Ollsten of Arlington Central Library for the physical and other logistic facilities she provided.Thank you.See you next!Presented byBasu ShresthaVice President INLS- DC Metro Chapter
दशैं सम्झना ~६५औ श्रृंखला सुन्नुहोस
September 30, 2008 by admin Filed under हिमाली स्वरहरु
Welcome and Happy Dashain to all our Listener and well wisher!In This week episode You are listening~
World News/Info segment SeRo FeRo
PM Puspa Kamal Dahal’s Special Speech
Vox Pop of NY Nepali Regarding the PM’s UN visit
Community News/info Ratna Park and Community Talk with Munendra Nemwang
SrijanaKa Swarharu~2 Poems By Bidhya Bimal Baral & HB Bhandari
Jeeban Yatra Anubhab Of Actor RajaRam Poudel~Part 5
Special Dashain Songs,Article and Mus
Bhanu jayanti in the US (Press Release) [ 2006-07-22 ]
Press release
Bhanu Jayantee- July 16, 2006
As announced earlier and as usual, the fifteenth General Body ( GB) of INLS and the 193rd Bhanu Jayantee Function was organized by INLS- HQ and DC Metro Chapter at Lyseelvania State Park, Woodbridge, VA, on the bank of the massive river Potomac that , while it flows, becomes like a garland on the shoulder of DC. Started after the picnic-style lunch in the open air, contributed by some of the residents of Woodbridge , Manassas, Arlington it was attended by Mr. Rudra Nepal , the Charge d' Affairs of Nepalese Embassy to USA, Dr Balaram Aryal, President Nepalese Human rights organization , USA , Mr. Prem Sangroula, the president of ANS, Mr.Homnath Subedi , the Founding president of the INLS, Mr. Bhim Regmi ,the Co-chair of INLS- BOT and the Ex- president of INLS- HQ , Mr. HB Bhandari , the President of the INLS-PAChapter . The program was Chaired by Mohan Sitoula, the president of INLS- HQ . Welcoming all by Mr. Bhim Regmi conducted the program where the Chief Guest and all other in the Dais , including Kamala Prasai , the vice president of INLS- NJChapter and a poetess , garlanded the poet with a sense of high honor of Shradhhanjali on behalf of all the large audience assembled there from far and wide . In the program the two anthologies of Nepali Poems "Ma Binako Mero Jeevan" by Kamala Prasai and "Naya Mulukako Nad" by Mohan Sitoula and published by INLS in June , 2006 , were released by the chief guest.
Speaking on the occasion the chief guest expressed his Shradhanjalee to the great pioneer poet of Nepal and also extended his best wishes to the INLS which , he said, has a pretty good history of one and half decade of excellent community services and which has the beauty and power of global Nepalese creative and cultural coverage. He also appreciated the poets and the publisher - INLS. Dr Aryal, the life member of INLS, while highlighting the Aadikavi and the importance as well as the activities of INLS, donated INLS by registering himself as the Board of Trustee as per its by-laws. He also appealed to all to join in the INLS by offering themselves as life members, trustees and in very many other capacities in a meaningful way. Mr. Prem Sangoula , honoring the great poet, spoke encouragingly of INLS when he suggested that the recently fire-burnt house of the Aadikavi Bhanubhata is being completely rebuilt in which INLS along with its Chapters help the reconstruction project. He also appreciated the Nepali writers’ and publishers’ dedication to the literary and cultural cause in the American Diaspora. Mr. Homnath Subedi , the chair of the INLS- Board of Trustee, paying his tribute to the poet, and appreciating the proposal about Bhanubhakta’s burnt house , made by Mr. Sangroula, presented a report of the publication committee of INLS . Giving information about the various awards and prizes in the INLS he called all to contribute to the rest of the western Nepal Zonal book prizes .He made an announcement that the books for the INLS best book awards will have to come within December every year. He also made a literary critique of the anthology of poems "Ma Binako Mero Jeevan" (My Life Without Me) and said that the poems are highly creative with a bearing of social optimism even in the feelings of personal note of awe. Dinesh Tripathi , a poet and an advocate, also appreciated the creatively struggling power of the poems of Kamala Prasai.
Govinda Giri "Prerana", paid his tribute to the Pioneer poet and reminded that he had participated this function in 2006 when his book " Good By America" was released here . Appreciating the previous speakers he drove the attention of all that the Nepalese are making creatively challenging progress all over the world and this widening and rising sentiment and creative force must be chanalized through the organizations . He also appreciated the Books just released along with the writers and the publisher.
H. B. Bhandari, while expressing his sense of respects to the great poet Bhanu , he presented an elaborate critique of the book of poems "Naya Mulukako Nad” by Mohan Sitoula. Drawing the historical perspectives of the creative and critical tastes, tunes and turnings as well as literary principles and experimental developments of the east and the west, and mentioning the great poets like TS Eliot and Robert Frost, he made an analytical and comparative study of the book along with the imagist and symbolical bearings in the various types of poems including the de-constructional ones in the collection "Naya Mulukako Nad” just released in the program.
Kamala Prasai also spoke about the great pioneer poet and expressed her gratitude to the publisher - INLS. She informed that the personal feelings of sorrow and happiness and her struggling life in the USA are the background of her poems in "Ma Binako Mero Jeevan" ( My Life Without Me). She also gave stress that creative writing is the source of human civilization, peace and prosperity. As a lyricist and a singer she also sang a beautiful song from her own CD released some weeks ago in NY. The next attraction of the program was the separate open poetry competition of the children and the adults. In the former Aashis Sitoula in his poem Nepali language was developed became first, Prasanga sitoula in his poem I Like ( Malai Man Parchha) came out second and Amit Shrestha in his poem Sipahi ( Soldier) became third . Among the other children re-citers were Priya Subedi, Pukar Subedi, Raj Adhikari, Kavita Subedi, Anamol Sitoula and Sagar Subedi.
In the adult poetry competition Tunga Nath Upadhyaya in his poem Shraddha Suman ( A Flowery Honor) came out first, Hasta Goutam in his poem Aamako Vyatha ( the Mother's Sorrow), second and Dinesh Tripathi in his poem Sabdahin Desh ( A Country Without Word ) became third .Among the other re-citers of competitive and non- competitive poems there was Kapil Sitoula, Narayan Adhikari, Dr. Hari Bhattarai, Nitesh Adhikari, Kamala Pun, Prem Sangroula, Teeka Pun, Kamala Prasai, Govinda Giri ‘Prerana’, Kalpana Satyal, Mohan Sitoula, Komal Parajulee and Kabindra Sitoula. The poem “Aadi Haina Ananta” by Bharati Gautam , the president of INLS- MA-Chapter , was recited by Bhim Regmi . Prem Sangroula, Kamala prasai, and HB Bhandari were the judges of all the competitive poems.
Another popular and usual feature of the program there was / is the INLS Bhanubhakta Memorial Gorakh Bahadur Thapa Runner Cup Volleyball Competition sponsored by Mr Mohan Thapa from Baltimore. In the tournament Kaligandaki “A” and Kaligandaki “B” came out first and second respectively. Mr. Khem Bhattachan , the INLS Ex- Vice President , was the umpire all through the games. The names of the players go like this:
The 1st Winner Team (Kaligandaki "A");1. Mohan Thapa (Takam-Dharapani,Myagdi)-Team Captain2. Mohan Baniya (Beni-Myagdi)3. Dambar Karki (Rakhu-Myagdi)4. Nilam Thapa (Chimkhola-Myagdi)5. Layan Budha (Rukum)6. Shakti Regmi
2nd Winner Team (Kaligandaki "B");1. Ram Tilija (Chimkhola-Myagdi)-Team Captain2. Tika Pun (Chimkhola-Myagdi)3. Lokman Pun (Chimkhola-Myagdi)4. Ganga Pun (Doba-Myagdi)5. Prem Limbu (Terhthum)6. Lama
It was also announced that the prizes to all the winners would be distributed at the INLS- Devkota Jayantee in November , as usual .
As the result of the election of the new INLS- Executive Committee was already made public through the press release by the Election Commission, Mr Bhim Regmi, at the request of the Commission , announced the names of the elected candidates in the General Body of the INLS as the following:
1. Mohan Sitoula - TX, USA- President.2. Dr. Madhukrishna Shrestha “Madhurya” – Moscow, Vice –President.3. Suren Uprety – Canada - General Secretary.4. Bashu Satyal – Virginia, USA- Treasurer.5. Kejin Rai - Portugal – Secretary.
Kalpana Satyal, the treasurer of INLS -HQ presented the annual financial reports including the election deliveries. The new Executive Committee and the financial report was approved and welcome by the General Body. Mohan Sitoula, from the chair expressed his sense of high Honor to the great poet Bhanubhakta and appreciated all the previous speakers and various role- players in the function. He went on to extend the words of thanks on behalf of all the INLS family and the outgoing Executive Committee to the Chief guest, the audience from far and wide, the speakers, poets, judges, players and the umpire, the media people including Nepal Horizons, Biswa Sandesh, Nepalipost, Sagarmatha TV, Radio Dovaan, the announcer, along with the co-ordination committee and food and drink organizers for the function. Congratulating the winners in the poetry competition and the volleyball match he thanked all other participants for their continued enthusiastic spirit in the related fields they are in.
He also extended his sincere thanks to the INLS-Election Commission for holding the election with so much dedication and hard work. Congratulating also the new elected officers of INLS- Executive Committee he gave his heart felt thanks to all the EC members, the chapters, the BOT, the ex-presidents and members and all the members of the Nepalese communities at large for their hand in hand support to him and his team all through the previous years throughout the globe in every activity as well as in the recent new election and also wished his best to do the same for the new team. He further added that the election itself, as a new content in the history of INLS, is a new elevated victory of the organization which has a wider global coverage and representation. As all the contesting candidates made the election happen, they also increased the credibility and enhanced the fame of their beloved literary- cultural Nepalese Global parliament – the common Choutari. A new experience has entered into the INSL which will be a back force for further improvement. Thus, nobody is the loser in here. All are the winners and made a history of their own. He also extended his thanks to all the volunteers for managing everything including the stage for the day.
He then informed that the other invited chief guests - Murari Raj Sharma, Dr.Taranath Sharma- and some other important local participants like Basanta Shrestha , Bashu Shrestha, the president of INLS- DC Metro Chapter and Sudeep Bhadra Khanal , GS of the same and other members had informed their regrets for not being able to be present due to their some other pressing preferences. They had also expressed their best wishes for the success of the program.
As a writer, a poet, he further expressed his sense of gratefulness to the INLS as publisher, the bhoomikakars and the commentators of his book "Naya Mulukako Nad” when he made an special lovely stress on his wife and his wider family household and friends, for the source of inspiration and support for writing and publishing this and other previous books. He also expressed his gratefulness to the Nepali and American academic as well as library and natural scenarios for his inspiration. He said that in the poems he has made efforts to express his various experiences in the USA, and about the changing rhythm of the human universal sensibility. But, at the same time, he confessed that he could never be away from the enchantment of Nepal and the national contexts.
Addressing the 15th General Body of the INLS as a new president Mohan Sitoula announced that the new plans and programs would come through the new executive committee very soon. Appreciating the proposal made by Prem Sangroula and supported by Homnath Subedi he told that the proposal would be put forward to the Executive meeting and be consulted with the Chapters for further action. He also proposed that the fees from the life membership and the fund raising schemes of all the chapters will be shared in some percentage between the INLS-chapters and the HQ as will be decided later on. The Nepali school, publication and cultural projects of all the chapters will be specially taken care of in terms of local financial support through the consultation with the chapters and the decision from the Executive Committee.
In the end the chair invited all to join in the songs, cold drinks and informal dance and closed the program. It was a great success. Thank you.
Mohan SitoulaPresidentINLS- HQ
Devkota Jayanti And INLS Best Book Award 2005 Ceremony In Washington DC (11/08/05)
INLS HQ Press Release
Devkota Jayanti and INLS Best Book Award 2005 Ceremony in Washington DCInternational Nepali Literary Society (INLS)-Headquarter and INLS DC Metro Chapter jointly observed 97th Devkota Jayanti and INLS Best Book Award Ceremony 2005 at Johnson Center of George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA on November 6, 2005. It was chaired by Prof. Mohan Sitoula, the president of INLS-HQ. Treasurer of INLS HQ and Trustee, Mrs. Kalpana Satyal welcomed the participants. Among the highlights of the programs were a literary symposium, Nepali poetry competition, cultural program by INLS School of Languages and Cultures of Nepal, Washington DC and International Nepali Literary Best Book Awards. Royal Nepalese Embassy, Washington DC HE Mr. Kedarbhakta Shrestha, Ex-Permanent Representative to Nepal Mission at the UN Mr. Murari Raj Sharma and other distinguished Nepalis from many parts of the USA were present during the program.The activity moved on to the literary appreciation and critical interaction event which was moderated by Mr. Suman Timsina and Mr. Gopal Regmi. In the first session, the paper of the critic Mr. Shiva Prasad Satyal on Naya Iswore ko Ghoshna ( Lit. Declaration of a New God) of Gopal Parajuli was presented by Homnath Subedi . Sita Pandey , the renowned woman creative writer and critic, presented her paper on Samjhanaka Anubhutiharu ( Feelings of Memoirs) by Kamala Sarup. Mr. Govinda Giri "Prerana" spoke on 'Premko Khojima' ( In Search of Love) by Pramila Sharma. Dr. Hari Raj Bhattarai spoke on ' Malai Chhune Man' (Touching Soul) by Gyanendra Gadal. Dr. Hari Har Bhattarai spoke on "Prashna ko Caravan" by Ms. Banya Jha. Other awardees Mr. Gyanendra Gadal and Mrs. Pramila Sharma also spoke on this occasion. Critic HB Bhandari Prabhat spoke on the contribution of Nepali Diaspora in general and the literary as well as the sentimental scenarios of the same. The poet Gopal Parajuli elaborately spoke about his feelings and philosophy of writing as a human mission on earth (see later) . Mr. Suman Timsina concluded the session stressing on the continuation of freedom for creativity of expression by the writers.The second session was inaugurated by the HE ambassador Kedarbhakta Shrestha. Chief guests and special guests and many other present there paid a tribute to the late great poet Laxmi Prasad Devkota. Chairman of INLS Board of Trustees and Award Committee, Mr. Homnath Subedi presented the letter and spirit and its tradition as well as future targets of INLS awards. President of the organization Prof. Sitoula spoke on the accomplishments of INLS. He added that INLS has around 45 chapters all over the world and they comprise a world Literary and Cultural parliament. It is also making a campaign to raise fund to establish Bhanubhakta Memorial Building – a place where all the Nepalese programs of this part of the USA could be performed. INLS has multifaceted activities. Some of them are : education of languages and cultures of Nepal; activities of creative culture; games and sports; jayantees ( birth anniversaries) and honors , publication of books; awards and prizes; publishing of the magazine INSIGHTS, translation of the creative writings, inter-institutional collaborative efforts with the Nepalese and non-Nepalese ones. Now has the time come when we have to think of an INLS Global Convention in near future. Since 'poets are the unrecognized legislators of the world' they should unite to create a new world order of free and equal society of creativity, respect and prosperity, he concluded. Following it, the individual winner- writers were presented with various awards during the welcome ceremony in greater Washington D.C as the following:1. Mr. Gopal Parajuli (Nepal) received International Nepali Literary INLS Best Book award for outstanding contribution to Nepali literature for his epic Nayan Ishwor ko Ghoshana. He received Rs 50000 cash and a plaque.2. Ms. Kamala Sarup(NJ) and Mrs. Pramila Sharma(CO) of the USA jointly received the Late Dr. Dilliram Timsina Memorial INLS Best Book Award for their story collections Samjhanaka Anubhutiharu and Premko Khojima for the outstanding contribution to Nepali literature by female authors; They shared NC 20000 and received a plaque each.3. Mr. Bharat Bharadwaj (Nepal) and Ms. Banya Jha (Sikkim, India) jointly shared the Late Dr. Dilliram Timsina Memorial INLS Best Book Award for the first published outstanding contribution to Nepali Literature by a new author for his work, Prashnako Kyaravan and Sampanna Muluka ra Anya Kathaharu. The Timsina awards are sponsored by Mr. Suman Timsina from PA. They shared NC 15000 and received a plaque each.4. Mr. Gyanendra Gadal (CO) received the Late Haribhakta Katwal Memorial Geeti Kavita INLS Best Book Award for his collection Malai Chune Mana which is sponsored by Mr Amod Katwal, from VA. He received NC 15000 and a plaque.5. Sara Children INLS Best Book Award for Child Classic is awarded to Saswot Parajuli for Andho Deshko Rajkumar (Children’s Novel) . The award is sponsored by Mr. Achyut Shrestha, MD. He received NC 15000 and plaque.6. Rohini Sharma Dhaulagiri Zone INLS Best Book Award for the author from Dhaulagiri Zone ( Nepal) is awarded to Laxman Gautam for Samakaleen Nepali Kavitako Bimba Parak Bishleshan ( An Analysis of the Contemporary Nepali Poetry in the light of Imagery) which is sponsored By Mr. Rohini Sharma from Arizona USA. He received NC 10000 and plaque.7. Bibhor Baral received the Budhathoki INLS Best On-line Writer Award for his online contribution to www.paradesh.com. He received $100 and certificate.The writers of the books as well as the award winners shared their feelings, literary beliefs and experiences with the audience in those auspicious moments. The session featured a scholarly presentation by the editor of Garima ( Sajha Prakashan) Mr. Gopal Parajuli on his epical poem and literary writings. Mr. Gopal Parajuli , the chief of the awarded ones , in his fairly elaborate speech of gratefulness ,said that the poets and the writers are as creators and the seers of truth and welfare as they are the conveyers of human ideals through the corridors of time .They are the ones to listen to the calls from beyond the horizons. At this, he was representing all at large. Mr. Murarairaj Sharma appealed Nepalis in the US to continue to contribute for the betterment of Nepal and Nepalis. He also recited a poem about the present state of dismal affairs in the country of Buddha's Birth. Mrs. Vijaya Shah sang a beautiful classical song for the 3rd session on Ganesh Ji as the Mangala Charan and Mr. Khem Sangraula, Ms. Manju Sangraula sang the Muna Madan while Jayantimala Khanal sang a modern song . Coordinator of INLS Global Network and Chairman of INLS Worldwide Nepali Education Program, Mr. Puru Subedi reported the progress of network in poetic form. Chairperson of INLS School of Languages and Cultures of Nepal, Washington DC, Mrs Neeva Pradhan reported progress of DC School and moderated the cultural program with Nepali songs, dances and music presented by the students of the School and local artists. Mr. Puru Subedi and Mrs. Neeva Pradhan distributed certificate of appreciation to all cultural program participants.Following it, Moti Samasyapurti poetry competition for Sitoula Kavita Puraskar (Prize) was held. Rajaram Poudel, Hari Bhattarai, Niranja man Regmi, Kamala Prasai, Prakash Subedi, Gynendra Gadal, Murari Raj Sharma, Puru Subedi and many other poets participated in a competitive and non-competitive category on this occasion. Ms. Radha Poudyal, Tika Puna and Gopal Regmi and D.B. Tamang bagged 1st, 2nd and 3rd and 4th prizes. The old Sitoula Mother, Mrs. Mana Maya distributed the prizes and she also sang a Sangini song as a way of rejoicing and thanking all for the participation in the competition. Mr. Shiva Prasad Satyal and Prof. Mohan Sitoula were recognized for their special contribution to the community in the field of literature and culture with plaques by the Chairperson INLS Board of Trustees, Mr. Hom Nath Subedi, chief guest H.E. Ambassador Mr. Kedar Bhakta Shrestha and special guest Ex-permanent representative of Nepal to UNO, Mr. Murari Raj Sharma. They further recognized fourteen other enthusiastic as well as distinguished social activists with high respect for their various significant contributions specially literary and cultural to the Nepalese community personally and through the various organizations like the INLS and others. They are as the following: Dr. Anup Pahari, DB Tamang, Gopal Regmi, Nora Thapa, Saroj Prajapati , Tika Pun , Mohan Thapa, Basu Shrestha, Saranga Shrestha, Amod Katwal, Bidur Gurung, Hans Sawyer, Puru Subedi and Kiran Sitoula. The award ceremony also included the prizes for the winners of INLS Gorkhabahadur Thapa Adult Poetry Competition, INLS Bhanubhkata Memorial Running Cup Volleyball Tournament and Children Poetry Competition held in July, 2005 during annual INLS Bhanu Jayanti program. The winners for adult poetry competition were Mallika Shakya, Narayan Adhikari, Tika Pun who hold first, second and third place respectively. The winners of volleyball competition were first place Baltimore A and second place Kaligandaki. The winners of Children poetry competition in first, second and third place were Shruti Moktan, Dakshin Tamang and Pukar Subedi repectively.The program came to the end with a vote of thanks to all guests, participants, contributors, media people, participating INLS chapters and other sister organizations including GMU Nepalese Student Association by the program Chair and INLS HQ President, Prof. Mohan Sitoula. The program was moderated by INLS Trustee Co-chair and past president, Mr. Bhim Regmi all through.At the end, the President, along with Kabindra and Ranjeeta Sitoula organized a dinner party to honor all the prize winners and guests in their residence.
For more information about INLS, please visit www.inls.org or contact info@inls.org.Sincerely,Mohan SitoulaPresident,INLS HeadquarterWashington DChttp://www.inls.org
News and Views on me
New Manifesto, Movement and Revolution
Dr. Govindaraj Bhattarai
Published in Kantipur Daily, July 17,2004
(English Translation in progress. You are reading the first draft.)
The readers in Nepali culture, art and literature have been increasing constantly. Basically the contribution and interest of new generation are deviation from older generation. They represent new thinking, style and perspective. However, a group of established writer has been giving leadership to the new writing. Most of the people from older generation are quite different in many senses. At this context, the important thing is that some new groups are seen to lead their generation.
There are many reasons beyond this desire. It is because of the time pressure and scientific development in part of knowledge and information. In addition, it is product of the experience of open society and media that nourishes it. Most of them, who are in direct contact with such latest development, are innovative. The older generation does not know to maintain association on the one hand, and do not have time on the other. Therefore, the world changes if the new generation analyses the circumstances on the basis of new awareness and information. Such writings have entered in the position of novel writings. Creation does not mean only the exploration of technical knowledge. Technique and wit for the moment are needed though. Before the progression of science and technology many important things were written and will create consisting this information technology. It lays creativity. One example of it:
I wonder in programme of a computer
I untie whole human being
In each click
And arrives at to final corner by pauses, impeding and walking
Living history
The entire file of life
Right away: no power.
The picture crated by above poem is gorgeous. This poem can be read easily but may be meaningless to those who are unfamiliar with modern technology. The major reason for this unfamiliarity is because of new subject matter, style and assembly. In Saru Bhakta’s new poems there appear anxiety of black hole and destruction of the world. Now a day, the biggest segment of Nepali literature does not only comprise nation but also includes international issues.
Therefore, new litterateurs with fresh perception and knowledge have got annoyance and anguish. Very heated! They have got complain with many inquiries - “why no body interprets our poems? Why you are not searching meaning of our writing? Did we write the same that you have written? Or are we dissimilar? If the case is so: Why? How? Where?
There are the questions forwarded by Bairagi Kayila, a prominent Nepali poet many years before. He was demanding for more spacious road. He has commanded! These days, the new generation figures out the negligible road. Therefore new generation have come with new manifesto, movement and declaration to make this road wider.
To observe these new declarations we see different scene that that could not be seen in the past. We should not welcome bad omen abnegating them. In past five years five new movements came in existence. For the prior form of these movements there are manifestoes. They are Poem safeguard Movement (1998), The Declaration Of Feminist Literary Movement (1999), Creative Anarchy Movement (2001) and Labyrinth Conscience (2003)
At this instant they are smaller in size but they are thunder of the future. The past movements such as Stressed Shun Movement and Dimensional Movement that came to improve the Nepali language and literature came in existence with fear. Amlekh Group lost many friends while releasing their manifesto. Now they are grown up like big steamed tree. New thoughts always come in existence with fear of denial.
I have got opportunity of being face to face with all those founders of new concept and theory. Lets talk about Poem safeguard Movement (1998). The major objective of the movement is to take out poem from city to countryside. The major objective of these movements are uplifting the conscience of the uneducated people via the medium of poem and protect nature side by side. This movement has been organizing such poetry seminars for a decade. Sarubhakta, a profounder of this movement, have been making this movement popular in Pokhara, western part of Nepal though it is strange to hear for the first time. The concept of preserving animals through the medium of poetry is beautiful. All people are urban centered leaving villages aside. At this juncture, the voice of this movement may sound contradictory than what is happening in actuality. He has come with courage to start village centered literary movement in such situating of emergence of many urban centered movements. Indeed, it is grave and sensible in its own circumstances.
One year later, Feminist literary Academy declared its manifesto in 1999. It was timely to come such movement in the context of emergence of so many movements relating with feministic writings. However, there are many movements and attempts keep going for the right and equality of women. But this academy is moving a head from literary perspective. Sometimes the feminist movement is difficult to manage as well. While writing literature agonies from diverse field draw closer. This mode may turn to radical side via revolution. This incident happened in Nepal and around the world. It might happen so because there are many issues related with women. Comment by Prof Krishan Gautam on the occasion of fifth convention of Feminist literary movement arouses some type of sensation and reaction. Comparatively, there are many battles than the creation from feministic angle. Many women devote themselves in creation completely forgetting this part of struggle. Feministic writing has been looking for new route. Their expectation request and anxiety are hanging around for evaluation and reassessment.
For a moment one side in woman writing becomes little bit radical. Those women writers say, “Only women have got right to write agony of themselves, male authors don’t deserve it. This is fact however if male and female don’t write each other’s pain the world which is blending of both will not be supplementary rather will be one sided. All literature is not experienced one rather it is imagined and fiction as well. Envisage truth is one thing and the value of experienced is another. While participating on struggle all alone there will be none to taste it. Many women just got victory-loosing everything without knowing whom for they fought. However, Female Literary Academy has adapted the middle path. Of course, it is necessary to attack the tradition and evaluation system.
The next movement attacking the established traditional norms and values is Creative Anarchy Movement (2001). In a nutshell, it protests status quo and accepts pluralism. It does not believe on central culture. The entire creativity composed by the people of different religion and culture is our own. This is the postmodern declaration of present world.
In the same way, the new movement Labyrinth Conscience (2003) has come in existence and has been getting various responses. The manifesto was currently released. HB Bhandari Prabhat, Suresh Hachekali and Durga Prasad Pokhrel have created the labyrinth conscience. Labyrinth has come with perfect possibilities in the sector of creative evaluation. This conscience urges for new method of criticism showing discontent with the existential approaches. The theory is life-oriented criticism and proclaims all the game of language and literature just delightful hallucination. The infinite pleasures in the artistic conscience, duplication of language, the foundations of eastern myth etc are some innovative ides evoked in this movement.
The next but less popular movement is Declaration of especial colors in literature. It sees the world as layers of colors.
In this way, their new concepts are the substantiation to give new direction to the literature. On the other, it shows rejection of traditional thoughts greeting pluralism, innovation and practicality. The literature has to be lead by such new concept because old are tattered and ruined. These manifestos are flash of postmodern era in the globe.
By: Kalpana Satyal for peace jounalism.com. She has been doing her Ph.D at Geroge Mason University, Virginia, USA.
Posted on: 3/12/2006
Interview with HB Bhandari Prabhat
Born on Oct1 1977 in Thapathana 9 Parbat HB Bhandari Prabhat received his Master degree in English literature and B.ed from University Campus, Kritipur. Mr Bhandari has held important educational position at his young age. His penchant for literary arguments, theoretical discussions and the formulation of new ideas has made Bhandari a very well known literary scholar of new generation.
The main domains of his study lie in the areas of Nepali and English literatures. He has a special interest in diasporic literatures in which area he has been working seriously over the last couple of years. On a whole, as a creative writer and scholar he has become an extensively read writer in a short span of his carrier. He is well known in the field of literary criticism. Now he has come to USA to present literary paper in George Mason University at the invitation of International Nepali Literary Society Washington D.C. At this moment, Bhandari talked to Kalpana Satyal of PeaceJournalism.com about literature. Excerpts of the interview:
Q. How do you observe at your work you accomplished in such a young age of 29? Who inspired you?
Mr. Bhandari: I take it easy. However, I have promised to do a lot. Every one of us has got much responsibility and challenge in this era of globalization. Your question reminded me John Keats, PB Shelley, Motiram Bhatta and many young people who did so many things at their tender ages. In front of them I feel shy. However, I have no so much discontent to past life as well.
The major inspiration to come to this field is beautiful nature of my countryside where I was born and suffering of poor people. Everyone knows that suffering is the best way of knowledge. In later period, my teachers, friend and many eastern and western authors became my source of inspiration and more importantly the study of English literature provided me vision and eagerness to explore new thing. I venerate English literature and its authors who changes ignorant world to the exciting forum for intellectual debate. Shakespeare, Emersion, Thoreau, Jefferson, Walt Whitman and many other western authors did not only formulate vision for their country rather they became source of aspiration to the entire globe forever. Ultimately, the world of globalization becomes feasible.
Q.Would you please share some words on your new critical theory ‘Labyrinth Conscience’ and your perspective to look at life and literature?
Mr. Bhandari: Labyrinth conscience, a standard conscience, is based on eastern myth of Naimisaranya which analyze language and entire world as complex maze and urge the search of perfection in unity and fraction in infinite possibilities. It concludes the life entangled in the labyrinth of life, love, marriage, struggle for existence and death. The life of modern man is also entangled in the labyrinth of economic, social, political, psychological and cultural entities. This conscience believes on infinite possibilities and meaningful future. It is moreover directed to give new life to the discipline of criticism and to construct reading culture. More importantly, labyrinth conscience is not only related to criticism. Moreover, it is specific perspective related to life and its various work business.
We always seek relative newness both in life and writing. Absolute truth is quite impossible. The creative repetition of primordial things are followed in life and language exercise. Writing is also one aspect of language implement. Therefore, entering into labyrinth of these symbol and metaphor we search multiple aspect of expression. Thus, life and all its entire activities including literature are creative repetition of labyrinth. I recommend Nepali reader to read Literary Magazine Samasti’s 2060Chitra- Baisakh 2061 where the manifesto is published. I am sorry to English reader. The manifesto will appear in English language soon.
How did you feel after coming to the USA as a promising critic and author? Which part did you feel the most beautiful in the USA?
Mr. Bhandari: I feel the need of research and writing on Asian American people and cultural issues of many types more and more to be written in English Language. I have experienced the need of this issue seeing the people weeping and clapping while presenting paper on Diaspora, a cultural issues in George Mason University. Moreover, I realized the space of research and preservation of their culture. Most of their child who were born and raised here surely wants to learn about their cultural ancestors. However, parents cannot go to their land of origin because they are already citizen of United States and love this land for many reasons. The need of research and writing about their feelings and seeking a way to intercultural tolerance and hybridization is necessary to ease them in many ways. To study and write about them and their culture is studying about America in general too.
As critic, author and academician, I am surprised to see the intercultural tolerance maintained in best possible ways in entire America. It is most important beauty and glory of this nation.
Q. As responsible citizen of Nepal and literary critic how would you analyze the political scenario of Nepal in the context of globalization and the role of the nation where you are now? And what would be the best idea to resolve such situation?
Mr. Bhandari: Indeed, it is difficult question to me as I am neither student of political science nor political leader. However, time, history and environment can not be separated in writing too. . Litterateurs write for unalienable rights - life, liberty and pursuit of happiness just like Thomas Jefferson. To them and everyone,democracy is just like bread and butter issue of modern day. Seeing the beleaguered democracy I remember Bertrand Russell, a Nobel laureate from England who says," It is normal to hate what we fear, and it happens frequently, though not always, that we fear what we hate. I think it may be taken as the rule among primitive men, that they both fear and hate whatever is unfamiliar." All the people, political parties and king have to take sense of responsibility for the current situation and make consensus to solve the problem as soon as possible respecting each other’s view. The people will get rid of any party or king if they get more desport forgetting people's expectation.In the absence of peace, democracy, human right, and fraternity, neither the country nor the world can go ahead in the right direction.
Every Nepali appreciates the voice of western world including America and UNO for the rule of law, civil liberties and freedom of speech. No one can abnegate The World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the United Nation to explore the political and economic context in which these global rules invented. A new coalition of whole the globe itself is a fence to the threats of globalization and democracy.
Q. What is your future plan.?
Mr. Bhandari: I will spend my entire life in the literary field.
Copyright peacejournalism.com
Second Winter Literary Festival concludes in Washington D.C.
Kantipur Report
KATHMANDU, Feb 23 - The Second Winter Literary Festival in honor of the Nepali litterateurs and the Winter Poetry Recital Festival concluded in Washington D.C., the United States on February 19.
Litterateur Murari Raj Sharma, the ex-permanent representative and ambassador to the UN and poet Bhanubhakta Pokhrel, winner of prestigious Madan Puraskar were present as chief guest and special guest respectively.
The program which was given a literary nomenclature as �Second Sheetkalin Sahityakar Samman and Sheeshir Shuseli Kavita Gosthee� was organized by INLS- DC Metro Chapter.
During the program, the participants remembered prominent late litterateurs Lekhnath Poudyal, Balkrishna Sama, Parashmani Pradhan, Hridaya Chandra Singh Pradhan, Keshabraj Pindali and Bhupi Sherchan.
Chief guest Sharma said that the ancestral poets had paved a literary way for our creative culture in a developed highway of which we are marching forward.
While giving the Letter of Honor to the distinguished poet Bhanubhakta Pokhrel, on behalf of the DC Metro Chapter, he also remarked that the culture of honoring the living poets � who are the social forerunners - is actually an excellent job in itself which is very much encouraging and meaningful to do some more while s/he has any physical time and power.
Pokhrel on the occasion stressed on the importance of arts , literature and culture as being the flowery symbol and substantial realities of the meaningful identity as well as prosperity of the community and nation in point .
Poets Basanta Shrestha, Govindagiri Prerana, Basu Shrestha , Ganga Ligal, Hasta Goutam �Mridul�, Homnath Subedi, Kapil Sitoula, Manju Niroula, Narayan Adhikari, Prem Sangroula, Ram Basyal, Rajendra Oli, Sudeep Bhadra Khanal recited their poems while the poems sent by Mohan Sitoula, Hari Ghimire and Dhrub Pangeni were recited by Homnath Subedi, Kapil Sitoula Basu Shrestha and respectively during the second phase of the program.
INLS-HQ also announced that the prize money of the "INLS Best Book Award" has increased by 100 percent to Rs.100, 000 from Rs.50,000.
In addition, the organization has also established Mechi, Koshi, Janakpur, Narayani, Gandaki and Dhaulagiri zonal book awards.
Critic and INLS Pennsylvania York president HB Bhandari Prabhat presented a paper on �Non-Western Studies and Translation� and asserted �Nepali literature can start its international voyage and act as cultural ambassador in this era of globalization if Nepali texts are translated and prescribed them in different academy of cultural studies just like Chinese, Japanese and Indian studies in western schools.�
Posted on: 2006-02-23 03:16:30 (Server Time)
Episode 23th july7, radiosagol- Listen to HB Bhandari Prabhat
July 08, 2008 05:29 AM PDT
_1086852" src="http://jointfamily.podomatic.com/mymedia/thumb/1107311/460%3E_1086852.jpg">
Namaste Please Log In radiosagol-jointfamily.podomatic.com (Due to the technical problem we could not upload 23th Episode of sombaar at http://www.rangamanch.org/ yesterday.We are so very excited to bring to you. Here is your Your Weekly Radio Program SomBaar of Radio Sagol. TAPAI KO RADIO, NEPALI RADIO, RADIO SAGOL. PRESENTOR: Saroj Ayal and Anita Acharya. This week on SOMBAAR: INTERVIEW WITH: H B Bhandari Prabhat(Exucetive member of ANA on the issue of NEPALI LITERATURE AND ITS AMERICAN MARKET. Ashok Gurung : founding director of India China Institute Issue: Role of India and china in present political situation of Nepal And Regular Segments Tipan Tapan (weekly Nepal news) Katha Desh: 9th and final episode of SETO DHARKA. TAPAI KO RADIO NEPALI RADIO: RADIO SAGOL PLS GIVE US COMMENT AND SUPPORT US. sombaar@gmail.com
Send to Friends Leave a Comment Download Permalink
15th episode of Sombaar
April 21, 2008 10:07 PM PDT
1. An interview with * Maoist Leader and Minister of Local Development and *Conflict specialist and Political Analyst
2.Radio Report on Nepali New Year 2065
3.Tipan Tapan an interview with moist cartor Sunita Regmi
4. Some songs as usual
Send to Friends Leave a Comment Permalink
Podcast Summary
Mr. Saroj Aryal is one of the pioneer respected citizen of Nepal. He has been working as Radio journalist for eight years as well as contributing his ATRS in THEATRE as an actor and director from 15 years.. Its purpose is to promote international exchange of knowledge and practice in theatre arts (Drama, Dance, Music theatre) in order to consolidate peace and friendship between peoples, deepen mutual understanding and increase creative co-operation between all people in the theatre arts. VISION MISSION and GOAl is to provide pure and quality presentation of art in future.
Contact Info
podMail: radiosagol-jointfamily...
Deceased Portrait in Labyrinth Consciene
Kathmandu, Feb 9, 2004
The magical beauty of images. Modernism with the help of countryside images. The exploration of personal agony. Many scholar and critics exploited such themes in Narayan’s Deceased Portrait.
The real projection of our time is his poems. Among the presence of distinguished litterateurs in the capital Nepali renowned poet Ishowar Ballav commented: Naryan’s poem made us alert because of innovative images and artistic writing. The exploration of new form of existentialism is seen in the poem. This is the crystal clear picture of our time. They concluded that it is the one of the representative text in Nepali literature.
These Litterateurs were Dr Govindaraj Bhattari, Dr. D. P. Bhandari, Dhahal Yagyanidhi, Khadkasen Oli, Krishanahari Baral, HB Bhandari Prabhat, Suresh Hachekali, Durga Pokhrel.
In the program critics of new generation HB Bhandari Prabhat, Suresh Hachekali, Durga Pokhrel have presented new concept of criticism and argued with the profounder of traditional theory of criticism. Famous for the sonorous voice in Radio Sagarmatha Narayan Adhikari’has included 29 poems in this collection. The poet has used the virgin images.
Published in Space Time Daily, on Wednesday, February 4, 2004
Deceased Portrait in Labyrinth Consciene
Published in Space Time Daily one of leading daily magazine of Nepal on Wednesday, February 4, 2004
Kathmandu, Feb 9, 2004
The magical beauty of images. Modernism with the help of countryside images. The exploration of personal agony. Many scholar and critics exploited such themes in Narayan’s Deceased Portrait.
The real projection of our time is his poems. Among the presence of distinguished litterateurs in the capital Nepali renowned poet Ishowar Ballav commented: Naryan’s poem made us alert because of innovative images and artistic writing. The exploration of new form of existentialism is seen in the poem. This is the crystal clear picture of our time. They concluded that it is the one of the representative text in Nepali literature.
These Litterateurs were Dr Govindaraj Bhattari, Dr. D. P. Bhandari, Dhahal Yagyanidhi, Khadkasen Oli, Krishanahari Baral, HB Bhandari Prabhat, Suresh Hachekali, Durga Pokhrel.
In the program critics of new generation HB Bhandari Prabhat, Suresh Hachekali, Durga Pokhrel have presented new concept of criticism and argued with the profounder of traditional theory of criticism. Famous for the sonorous voice in Radio Sagarmatha Narayan Adhikari’has included 29 poems in this collection. The poet has used the virgin images.
Redder than Love!
Bibke Creative Publication Published Naryan’s poem collection Deceased Protrait which includes 29 poems related with monotonous system of world. When beauty and goods fragment, feeling, emoting rationality get confuse in the offstage. The author opines “the sonorous shape of my feelings becomes poem in the same point.” The poetic fly in the pain is his poem. Critic HB Bhandari Says “Narayan Shrestha’s Deceased Portrait, a book of poetry collection, can be read in the form of existentialism. This is one of the representative texts in Nepali literature that came in existence with the observation of thing in itself affirmed by Greek culture.”
Existential questions were introduced in literature from Krikegarde, Heidegger to Sartre in Europe. The major concerns of these writers were portrayal of open, chaotic and disturbed world. Poet Narayan has been moving in their way in Nepal. Most of his poems expressed the destroyed beauty of the world. Moreover, they glance at the wastage of human existence. The poem ‘Bilom and Me old image of 25 years old’ are different one’
‘Always Walking Road’ gives the impression of internal diaspora.
The use of image in his poetry differ from the . Narayan moreover does not agree to adjust poem in grammatical construction. He is one of the well-known poets in this generation. However, we find lack of variation in his poems.
Published in 'Space Time Daily' on Wednesday, February 4, 2004
HB BhandariPrabhat: interested in diasporic literatures
published in Nepali Aaawaz, a by weekly newspaper published from New York, America
Dr. Govindaraj Bhattarai
Published in Kantipur Daily, July 17,2004
(English Translation in progress. You are reading the first draft.)
The readers in Nepali culture, art and literature have been increasing constantly. Basically the contribution and interest of new generation are deviation from older generation. They represent new thinking, style and perspective. However, a group of established writer has been giving leadership to the new writing. Most of the people from older generation are quite different in many senses. At this context, the important thing is that some new groups are seen to lead their generation.
There are many reasons beyond this desire. It is because of the time pressure and scientific development in part of knowledge and information. In addition, it is product of the experience of open society and media that nourishes it. Most of them, who are in direct contact with such latest development, are innovative. The older generation does not know to maintain association on the one hand, and do not have time on the other. Therefore, the world changes if the new generation analyses the circumstances on the basis of new awareness and information. Such writings have entered in the position of novel writings. Creation does not mean only the exploration of technical knowledge. Technique and wit for the moment are needed though. Before the progression of science and technology many important things were written and will create consisting this information technology. It lays creativity. One example of it:
I wonder in programme of a computer
I untie whole human being
In each click
And arrives at to final corner by pauses, impeding and walking
Living history
The entire file of life
Right away: no power.
The picture crated by above poem is gorgeous. This poem can be read easily but may be meaningless to those who are unfamiliar with modern technology. The major reason for this unfamiliarity is because of new subject matter, style and assembly. In Saru Bhakta’s new poems there appear anxiety of black hole and destruction of the world. Now a day, the biggest segment of Nepali literature does not only comprise nation but also includes international issues.
Therefore, new litterateurs with fresh perception and knowledge have got annoyance and anguish. Very heated! They have got complain with many inquiries - “why no body interprets our poems? Why you are not searching meaning of our writing? Did we write the same that you have written? Or are we dissimilar? If the case is so: Why? How? Where?
There are the questions forwarded by Bairagi Kayila, a prominent Nepali poet many years before. He was demanding for more spacious road. He has commanded! These days, the new generation figures out the negligible road. Therefore new generation have come with new manifesto, movement and declaration to make this road wider.
To observe these new declarations we see different scene that that could not be seen in the past. We should not welcome bad omen abnegating them. In past five years five new movements came in existence. For the prior form of these movements there are manifestoes. They are Poem safeguard Movement (1998), The Declaration Of Feminist Literary Movement (1999), Creative Anarchy Movement (2001) and Labyrinth Conscience (2003)
At this instant they are smaller in size but they are thunder of the future. The past movements such as Stressed Shun Movement and Dimensional Movement that came to improve the Nepali language and literature came in existence with fear. Amlekh Group lost many friends while releasing their manifesto. Now they are grown up like big steamed tree. New thoughts always come in existence with fear of denial.
I have got opportunity of being face to face with all those founders of new concept and theory. Lets talk about Poem safeguard Movement (1998). The major objective of the movement is to take out poem from city to countryside. The major objective of these movements are uplifting the conscience of the uneducated people via the medium of poem and protect nature side by side. This movement has been organizing such poetry seminars for a decade. Sarubhakta, a profounder of this movement, have been making this movement popular in Pokhara, western part of Nepal though it is strange to hear for the first time. The concept of preserving animals through the medium of poetry is beautiful. All people are urban centered leaving villages aside. At this juncture, the voice of this movement may sound contradictory than what is happening in actuality. He has come with courage to start village centered literary movement in such situating of emergence of many urban centered movements. Indeed, it is grave and sensible in its own circumstances.
One year later, Feminist literary Academy declared its manifesto in 1999. It was timely to come such movement in the context of emergence of so many movements relating with feministic writings. However, there are many movements and attempts keep going for the right and equality of women. But this academy is moving a head from literary perspective. Sometimes the feminist movement is difficult to manage as well. While writing literature agonies from diverse field draw closer. This mode may turn to radical side via revolution. This incident happened in Nepal and around the world. It might happen so because there are many issues related with women. Comment by Prof Krishan Gautam on the occasion of fifth convention of Feminist literary movement arouses some type of sensation and reaction. Comparatively, there are many battles than the creation from feministic angle. Many women devote themselves in creation completely forgetting this part of struggle. Feministic writing has been looking for new route. Their expectation request and anxiety are hanging around for evaluation and reassessment.
For a moment one side in woman writing becomes little bit radical. Those women writers say, “Only women have got right to write agony of themselves, male authors don’t deserve it. This is fact however if male and female don’t write each other’s pain the world which is blending of both will not be supplementary rather will be one sided. All literature is not experienced one rather it is imagined and fiction as well. Envisage truth is one thing and the value of experienced is another. While participating on struggle all alone there will be none to taste it. Many women just got victory-loosing everything without knowing whom for they fought. However, Female Literary Academy has adapted the middle path. Of course, it is necessary to attack the tradition and evaluation system.
The next movement attacking the established traditional norms and values is Creative Anarchy Movement (2001). In a nutshell, it protests status quo and accepts pluralism. It does not believe on central culture. The entire creativity composed by the people of different religion and culture is our own. This is the postmodern declaration of present world.
In the same way, the new movement Labyrinth Conscience (2003) has come in existence and has been getting various responses. The manifesto was currently released. HB Bhandari Prabhat, Suresh Hachekali and Durga Prasad Pokhrel have created the labyrinth conscience. Labyrinth has come with perfect possibilities in the sector of creative evaluation. This conscience urges for new method of criticism showing discontent with the existential approaches. The theory is life-oriented criticism and proclaims all the game of language and literature just delightful hallucination. The infinite pleasures in the artistic conscience, duplication of language, the foundations of eastern myth etc are some innovative ides evoked in this movement.
The next but less popular movement is Declaration of especial colors in literature. It sees the world as layers of colors.
In this way, their new concepts are the substantiation to give new direction to the literature. On the other, it shows rejection of traditional thoughts greeting pluralism, innovation and practicality. The literature has to be lead by such new concept because old are tattered and ruined. These manifestos are flash of postmodern era in the globe.
By: Kalpana Satyal for peace jounalism.com. She has been doing her Ph.D at Geroge Mason University, Virginia, USA.
Posted on: 3/12/2006
Interview with HB Bhandari Prabhat
Born on Oct1 1977 in Thapathana 9 Parbat HB Bhandari Prabhat received his Master degree in English literature and B.ed from University Campus, Kritipur. Mr Bhandari has held important educational position at his young age. His penchant for literary arguments, theoretical discussions and the formulation of new ideas has made Bhandari a very well known literary scholar of new generation.
The main domains of his study lie in the areas of Nepali and English literatures. He has a special interest in diasporic literatures in which area he has been working seriously over the last couple of years. On a whole, as a creative writer and scholar he has become an extensively read writer in a short span of his carrier. He is well known in the field of literary criticism. Now he has come to USA to present literary paper in George Mason University at the invitation of International Nepali Literary Society Washington D.C. At this moment, Bhandari talked to Kalpana Satyal of PeaceJournalism.com about literature. Excerpts of the interview:
Q. How do you observe at your work you accomplished in such a young age of 29? Who inspired you?
Mr. Bhandari: I take it easy. However, I have promised to do a lot. Every one of us has got much responsibility and challenge in this era of globalization. Your question reminded me John Keats, PB Shelley, Motiram Bhatta and many young people who did so many things at their tender ages. In front of them I feel shy. However, I have no so much discontent to past life as well.
The major inspiration to come to this field is beautiful nature of my countryside where I was born and suffering of poor people. Everyone knows that suffering is the best way of knowledge. In later period, my teachers, friend and many eastern and western authors became my source of inspiration and more importantly the study of English literature provided me vision and eagerness to explore new thing. I venerate English literature and its authors who changes ignorant world to the exciting forum for intellectual debate. Shakespeare, Emersion, Thoreau, Jefferson, Walt Whitman and many other western authors did not only formulate vision for their country rather they became source of aspiration to the entire globe forever. Ultimately, the world of globalization becomes feasible.
Q.Would you please share some words on your new critical theory ‘Labyrinth Conscience’ and your perspective to look at life and literature?
Mr. Bhandari: Labyrinth conscience, a standard conscience, is based on eastern myth of Naimisaranya which analyze language and entire world as complex maze and urge the search of perfection in unity and fraction in infinite possibilities. It concludes the life entangled in the labyrinth of life, love, marriage, struggle for existence and death. The life of modern man is also entangled in the labyrinth of economic, social, political, psychological and cultural entities. This conscience believes on infinite possibilities and meaningful future. It is moreover directed to give new life to the discipline of criticism and to construct reading culture. More importantly, labyrinth conscience is not only related to criticism. Moreover, it is specific perspective related to life and its various work business.
We always seek relative newness both in life and writing. Absolute truth is quite impossible. The creative repetition of primordial things are followed in life and language exercise. Writing is also one aspect of language implement. Therefore, entering into labyrinth of these symbol and metaphor we search multiple aspect of expression. Thus, life and all its entire activities including literature are creative repetition of labyrinth. I recommend Nepali reader to read Literary Magazine Samasti’s 2060Chitra- Baisakh 2061 where the manifesto is published. I am sorry to English reader. The manifesto will appear in English language soon.
How did you feel after coming to the USA as a promising critic and author? Which part did you feel the most beautiful in the USA?
Mr. Bhandari: I feel the need of research and writing on Asian American people and cultural issues of many types more and more to be written in English Language. I have experienced the need of this issue seeing the people weeping and clapping while presenting paper on Diaspora, a cultural issues in George Mason University. Moreover, I realized the space of research and preservation of their culture. Most of their child who were born and raised here surely wants to learn about their cultural ancestors. However, parents cannot go to their land of origin because they are already citizen of United States and love this land for many reasons. The need of research and writing about their feelings and seeking a way to intercultural tolerance and hybridization is necessary to ease them in many ways. To study and write about them and their culture is studying about America in general too.
As critic, author and academician, I am surprised to see the intercultural tolerance maintained in best possible ways in entire America. It is most important beauty and glory of this nation.
Q. As responsible citizen of Nepal and literary critic how would you analyze the political scenario of Nepal in the context of globalization and the role of the nation where you are now? And what would be the best idea to resolve such situation?
Mr. Bhandari: Indeed, it is difficult question to me as I am neither student of political science nor political leader. However, time, history and environment can not be separated in writing too. . Litterateurs write for unalienable rights - life, liberty and pursuit of happiness just like Thomas Jefferson. To them and everyone,democracy is just like bread and butter issue of modern day. Seeing the beleaguered democracy I remember Bertrand Russell, a Nobel laureate from England who says," It is normal to hate what we fear, and it happens frequently, though not always, that we fear what we hate. I think it may be taken as the rule among primitive men, that they both fear and hate whatever is unfamiliar." All the people, political parties and king have to take sense of responsibility for the current situation and make consensus to solve the problem as soon as possible respecting each other’s view. The people will get rid of any party or king if they get more desport forgetting people's expectation.In the absence of peace, democracy, human right, and fraternity, neither the country nor the world can go ahead in the right direction.
Every Nepali appreciates the voice of western world including America and UNO for the rule of law, civil liberties and freedom of speech. No one can abnegate The World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the United Nation to explore the political and economic context in which these global rules invented. A new coalition of whole the globe itself is a fence to the threats of globalization and democracy.
Q. What is your future plan.?
Mr. Bhandari: I will spend my entire life in the literary field.
Copyright peacejournalism.com
Second Winter Literary Festival concludes in Washington D.C.
Kantipur Report
KATHMANDU, Feb 23 - The Second Winter Literary Festival in honor of the Nepali litterateurs and the Winter Poetry Recital Festival concluded in Washington D.C., the United States on February 19.
Litterateur Murari Raj Sharma, the ex-permanent representative and ambassador to the UN and poet Bhanubhakta Pokhrel, winner of prestigious Madan Puraskar were present as chief guest and special guest respectively.
The program which was given a literary nomenclature as �Second Sheetkalin Sahityakar Samman and Sheeshir Shuseli Kavita Gosthee� was organized by INLS- DC Metro Chapter.
During the program, the participants remembered prominent late litterateurs Lekhnath Poudyal, Balkrishna Sama, Parashmani Pradhan, Hridaya Chandra Singh Pradhan, Keshabraj Pindali and Bhupi Sherchan.
Chief guest Sharma said that the ancestral poets had paved a literary way for our creative culture in a developed highway of which we are marching forward.
While giving the Letter of Honor to the distinguished poet Bhanubhakta Pokhrel, on behalf of the DC Metro Chapter, he also remarked that the culture of honoring the living poets � who are the social forerunners - is actually an excellent job in itself which is very much encouraging and meaningful to do some more while s/he has any physical time and power.
Pokhrel on the occasion stressed on the importance of arts , literature and culture as being the flowery symbol and substantial realities of the meaningful identity as well as prosperity of the community and nation in point .
Poets Basanta Shrestha, Govindagiri Prerana, Basu Shrestha , Ganga Ligal, Hasta Goutam �Mridul�, Homnath Subedi, Kapil Sitoula, Manju Niroula, Narayan Adhikari, Prem Sangroula, Ram Basyal, Rajendra Oli, Sudeep Bhadra Khanal recited their poems while the poems sent by Mohan Sitoula, Hari Ghimire and Dhrub Pangeni were recited by Homnath Subedi, Kapil Sitoula Basu Shrestha and respectively during the second phase of the program.
INLS-HQ also announced that the prize money of the "INLS Best Book Award" has increased by 100 percent to Rs.100, 000 from Rs.50,000.
In addition, the organization has also established Mechi, Koshi, Janakpur, Narayani, Gandaki and Dhaulagiri zonal book awards.
Critic and INLS Pennsylvania York president HB Bhandari Prabhat presented a paper on �Non-Western Studies and Translation� and asserted �Nepali literature can start its international voyage and act as cultural ambassador in this era of globalization if Nepali texts are translated and prescribed them in different academy of cultural studies just like Chinese, Japanese and Indian studies in western schools.�
Posted on: 2006-02-23 03:16:30 (Server Time)
Episode 23th july7, radiosagol- Listen to HB Bhandari Prabhat
July 08, 2008 05:29 AM PDT
_1086852" src="http://jointfamily.podomatic.com/mymedia/thumb/1107311/460%3E_1086852.jpg">
Namaste Please Log In radiosagol-jointfamily.podomatic.com (Due to the technical problem we could not upload 23th Episode of sombaar at http://www.rangamanch.org/ yesterday.We are so very excited to bring to you. Here is your Your Weekly Radio Program SomBaar of Radio Sagol. TAPAI KO RADIO, NEPALI RADIO, RADIO SAGOL. PRESENTOR: Saroj Ayal and Anita Acharya. This week on SOMBAAR: INTERVIEW WITH: H B Bhandari Prabhat(Exucetive member of ANA on the issue of NEPALI LITERATURE AND ITS AMERICAN MARKET. Ashok Gurung : founding director of India China Institute Issue: Role of India and china in present political situation of Nepal And Regular Segments Tipan Tapan (weekly Nepal news) Katha Desh: 9th and final episode of SETO DHARKA. TAPAI KO RADIO NEPALI RADIO: RADIO SAGOL PLS GIVE US COMMENT AND SUPPORT US. sombaar@gmail.com
Send to Friends Leave a Comment Download Permalink
15th episode of Sombaar
April 21, 2008 10:07 PM PDT
1. An interview with * Maoist Leader and Minister of Local Development and *Conflict specialist and Political Analyst
2.Radio Report on Nepali New Year 2065
3.Tipan Tapan an interview with moist cartor Sunita Regmi
4. Some songs as usual
Send to Friends Leave a Comment Permalink
Podcast Summary
Mr. Saroj Aryal is one of the pioneer respected citizen of Nepal. He has been working as Radio journalist for eight years as well as contributing his ATRS in THEATRE as an actor and director from 15 years.. Its purpose is to promote international exchange of knowledge and practice in theatre arts (Drama, Dance, Music theatre) in order to consolidate peace and friendship between peoples, deepen mutual understanding and increase creative co-operation between all people in the theatre arts. VISION MISSION and GOAl is to provide pure and quality presentation of art in future.
Contact Info
podMail: radiosagol-jointfamily...
Deceased Portrait in Labyrinth Consciene
Kathmandu, Feb 9, 2004
The magical beauty of images. Modernism with the help of countryside images. The exploration of personal agony. Many scholar and critics exploited such themes in Narayan’s Deceased Portrait.
The real projection of our time is his poems. Among the presence of distinguished litterateurs in the capital Nepali renowned poet Ishowar Ballav commented: Naryan’s poem made us alert because of innovative images and artistic writing. The exploration of new form of existentialism is seen in the poem. This is the crystal clear picture of our time. They concluded that it is the one of the representative text in Nepali literature.
These Litterateurs were Dr Govindaraj Bhattari, Dr. D. P. Bhandari, Dhahal Yagyanidhi, Khadkasen Oli, Krishanahari Baral, HB Bhandari Prabhat, Suresh Hachekali, Durga Pokhrel.
In the program critics of new generation HB Bhandari Prabhat, Suresh Hachekali, Durga Pokhrel have presented new concept of criticism and argued with the profounder of traditional theory of criticism. Famous for the sonorous voice in Radio Sagarmatha Narayan Adhikari’has included 29 poems in this collection. The poet has used the virgin images.
Published in Space Time Daily, on Wednesday, February 4, 2004
Deceased Portrait in Labyrinth Consciene
Published in Space Time Daily one of leading daily magazine of Nepal on Wednesday, February 4, 2004
Kathmandu, Feb 9, 2004
The magical beauty of images. Modernism with the help of countryside images. The exploration of personal agony. Many scholar and critics exploited such themes in Narayan’s Deceased Portrait.
The real projection of our time is his poems. Among the presence of distinguished litterateurs in the capital Nepali renowned poet Ishowar Ballav commented: Naryan’s poem made us alert because of innovative images and artistic writing. The exploration of new form of existentialism is seen in the poem. This is the crystal clear picture of our time. They concluded that it is the one of the representative text in Nepali literature.
These Litterateurs were Dr Govindaraj Bhattari, Dr. D. P. Bhandari, Dhahal Yagyanidhi, Khadkasen Oli, Krishanahari Baral, HB Bhandari Prabhat, Suresh Hachekali, Durga Pokhrel.
In the program critics of new generation HB Bhandari Prabhat, Suresh Hachekali, Durga Pokhrel have presented new concept of criticism and argued with the profounder of traditional theory of criticism. Famous for the sonorous voice in Radio Sagarmatha Narayan Adhikari’has included 29 poems in this collection. The poet has used the virgin images.
Redder than Love!
Bibke Creative Publication Published Naryan’s poem collection Deceased Protrait which includes 29 poems related with monotonous system of world. When beauty and goods fragment, feeling, emoting rationality get confuse in the offstage. The author opines “the sonorous shape of my feelings becomes poem in the same point.” The poetic fly in the pain is his poem. Critic HB Bhandari Says “Narayan Shrestha’s Deceased Portrait, a book of poetry collection, can be read in the form of existentialism. This is one of the representative texts in Nepali literature that came in existence with the observation of thing in itself affirmed by Greek culture.”
Existential questions were introduced in literature from Krikegarde, Heidegger to Sartre in Europe. The major concerns of these writers were portrayal of open, chaotic and disturbed world. Poet Narayan has been moving in their way in Nepal. Most of his poems expressed the destroyed beauty of the world. Moreover, they glance at the wastage of human existence. The poem ‘Bilom and Me old image of 25 years old’ are different one’
‘Always Walking Road’ gives the impression of internal diaspora.
The use of image in his poetry differ from the . Narayan moreover does not agree to adjust poem in grammatical construction. He is one of the well-known poets in this generation. However, we find lack of variation in his poems.
Published in 'Space Time Daily' on Wednesday, February 4, 2004
HB BhandariPrabhat: interested in diasporic literatures
published in Nepali Aaawaz, a by weekly newspaper published from New York, America
Rich in love for the art of literary arguments, theoretical discussions and the formulation of new ideas, 29-year old HB Bhandari Prabhat is already known as one of the few acclaimed literary scholars of the new Nepali generation. HB Bhandari has served as principle of colleges and was also elected Joint Secretary of SEED (School Education Efficiency Development) in 2004 in Nepal. Bhandari’s literary works include articles and poems that have been published in various national and international magazines and newspapers. Some of his books where he has contributed as a preface writerhave been recognized with national awards such as the prestigious Madan Purashkar in Nepal and several others including the Best Book International Nepali Literary Award in Washington
The main concern of Bhandari’s study lie in the areas of Nepali and English literatures. He has a special interest in diasporic literatures, which is what he has been working seriously on over the last couple of years. Bhandari is currently in USA to present literary paper in George Mason University at the invitation of International Nepali Literary Society Washington D.C.
The main concern of Bhandari’s study lie in the areas of Nepali and English literatures. He has a special interest in diasporic literatures, which is what he has been working seriously on over the last couple of years. Bhandari is currently in USA to present literary paper in George Mason University at the invitation of International Nepali Literary Society Washington D.C.
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